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How to Change Text Cases Anywhere and Everywhere!

Written by - A. Tina

How to Change Case anywhere

Text Case - An Introduction:

In the world of text and language, a "text case" refers to the arrangement of letters in a word, sentence, or text, with regard to their capitalization. It determines whether letters are in uppercase (capital letters), lowercase (small letters), or follow a specific pattern, such as the title case or sentence case. Text case plays a crucial role in defining the visual and grammatical structure of written content. Different cases are used for various purposes, from conveying formality and emphasis to enhancing readability and adhering to specific style guidelines. Understanding and applying the appropriate text case is essential for effective communication in writing, whether it's for a formal document, blog post, website content, a creative piece, or even a simple message.

What types of text cases are available?

Now, let's explore the types of text cases available, along with examples of each to understand them better.

1. Uppercase (ALL CAPS):


Description: In uppercase text case, all letters in a word or sentence are capitalized. This format is often used to convey emphasis, shouting, or for headings.

2. Lowercase (all small letters):

Example: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Description: Lowercase text case consists of all letters in their small form. It's commonly used for regular text within a sentence or paragraph.

3. Title Case:

Example: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog"

Description: In the title case, the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for articles, conjunctions, and short prepositions (e.g., "a," "an," "the," "and," "in," "on"). This style is typical for titles and headings.

4. Capitalized Case (Cap Case):

Example: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog."

Description: The capitalized case is similar to the title case, where the first letter of each word is capitalized. However, unlike the title case, it capitalizes articles, conjunctions, and short prepositions. This style is also commonly used for titles and headings.

Note: In the two examples above (Title Case & Capitalized Case), please notice that the article "the" is not capitalized in the Title Case but is capitalized in the Capitalized Case.

5. Sentence Case:

Example: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Description: Sentence case follows standard sentence structure, with only the first letter of the first word in a sentence capitalized. It's widely used in regular text.

6. Camel Case:

Example: "theQuickBrownFox" or "verySuddenly" or "JumpsOverTheLazyDog"

Description: Camel case combines words by removing spaces and capitalizing the first letter of each word after the first. It's often seen in programming for variable names or identifiers.

7. Snake Case:

Example: "user_id" or "file_name" or "the_quick_brown_fox"

Description: Snake case replaces spaces with underscores and keeps all letters in lowercase. It's commonly used in programming for variable names or filenames.

8. Kebab Case (or Hyphen Case):

Example: "page-title" or "date-of-birth" or "the-quick-brown-fox"

Description: Kebab case uses hyphens to separate words and maintains all letters in lowercase. It's frequently used in URLs and filenames.

9. Toggle Case (or Inverter Case):

Example: "tOGGLE cASE eXAMPLE"

Description: Toggle case switches the capitalization of letters, turning uppercase into lowercase and vice versa. It's sometimes used for stylistic or design purposes.

10. Alternating Case (StUDy CaSe):

Example: "tHe qUiCk bRoWn fOx jUmPs oVeR ThE LaZy dOg."

Description: Alternating case switches between uppercase and lowercase letters in an alternating pattern (i.e. one smaller and then a capital or vice versa). It's often used for creative or stylistic purposes, such as in memes or artistic designs.

Now that we know about different text cases and where they are used, let's learn how we can change or convert text in different software environments like MS Word, Google Docs, Pages and so on.

Microsoft Word:

MS Word lets you easily change the text cases of your text. Many people prefer to write a document in MS Word and for them, being able to change the text case in the same environment is a great advantage. With MS Word's powerful tool, you can easily change your text to UPPLERCASE, lowercase, Sentence case, and so on.

Changing text case in MS Word in Desktop:

Changing or converting text cases in MS Word (both in Windows and Mac) is almost the same. First, open your document in MS Word and select the text you want to change the case for. You can change the case of a single or multiple words, sentences, paragraphs, or the whole document.

To do that, go to the "Home" tab and click the "Change Case" button in the Font section of the ribbon. The icon for the button looks like "Aa". Next, select the capitalization option you would like to use in your selected text from the drop-down list. Changing the case this way is so convenient because each option from the dropdown shows its appearance as its name.

Please note that, if you choose to convert your text to Uppercase and want to use a smaller version of the capital letters (also known as Small Capital), right-click the selected text and choose Font. On the Font tab of the pop-up window that appears, check the box for Caps and click OK. This way, the text would be converted to Smaller Caps.

Changing text case in MS Word on a mobile device:

If you are using the MS Word application on your mobile devices like a mobile phone or a tab, you can also avail the chance case feature easily.

Open a document in the MS Word mobile app, and select the desired text. It could be a selection of text or the whole document You can select text of your choice by tapping a word to highlight it and, if necessary, dragging the handles to include all the text you want to change.

Now, tap the three dots on the right side of the toolbar above the keyboard and a menu will appear at the bottom. From the menu option, select "Home", "More Formatting" and finally, the "Change Case" option that would bring the options to change the text to your desired case.

Changing text case in MS Word on the Web:

If you happen to use the Web version of MS Word, you can also change the text case easily.

To do that, open the document in 'MS Word Online' and select the text that you want to convert to a different case. Next, go to the "Home" tab, and click on "More Font Options" which is represented by three dots in the ribbon. Now, go to the Change Case menu option and make your selection to change the case of your text.

Google Docs:

Google Docs has three text case changing options - lower case, UPPER CASE, & Title Case. These three are, perhaps, the most widely used text cases that you would need while composing a document. So, Google has kept it compact and simple.

To convert the text case of your text, open the document in Google Docs and select the text which you want to convert to a different case. Now, click on the "Format" menu and go to the "Text" and finally "Capitalization" option. There you can select either lowercase, UPPERCASE, or Title Case option.

LibreOffice Writer:

LibreOffice Writer is a powerful and open-source word processing software that provides a wide range of features for creating, editing, and formatting documents. One useful feature it offers is the ability to change the text cases within your document. Whether you need to convert text to upper case, lower case, or capitalize the first letter of each word, LibreOffice Writer has you covered. Here, we'll discuss how to change text cases effortlessly in LibreOffice Writer.

Launch LibreOffice Writer and open the document in which you want to change the text cases. You can either open an existing document or create a new one. Next, highlight the text that you want to change the case of. You can select a single word, a sentence, a paragraph, or the entire document, depending on your needs.

Go to the "Format" menu located in the menu bar at the top of the LibreOffice Writer window. Click on it to reveal a dropdown menu. From the "Format" dropdown menu, hover your mouse pointer over the "Text" option. This will open a submenu with various text formatting options. In the "Text" submenu, find and click on the "Change Case" option. This will open a dialog box that allows you to specify the desired text case. In the "Change Case" dialog box, you will see several options for changing the text case. Once you've selected the desired case option, click the "OK" button in the "Change Case" dialog box. LibreOffice Writer will immediately update the text in your document to reflect the chosen case.

That's it! You've successfully changed the text cases in LibreOffice Writer. This feature is handy for correcting capitalization errors, ensuring consistency in your document, or adapting text to different formatting requirements.

Pages (by Apple):

Pages, the word processing software developed by Apple, provides a user-friendly platform for creating, editing, and formatting documents on macOS and iOS devices. One of its handy features is the ability to change the text cases within your document. So let's explore this feature:

Launch "Pages" and open the document in which you want to modify the text cases. You can open an existing document or create a new one. Highlight the text that you want to change the case of. You can select a single word, a sentence, a paragraph, or the entire document, depending on your needs.

Now, go to the "Format" menu located in the menu bar at the top of the Pages window. Click on it to reveal a dropdown menu. From the "Format" dropdown menu, hover your mouse pointer over the "Font" option. This will open a submenu with various font-related formatting options. In the "Font" submenu, find and click on the "Capitalization" option. This will open a submenu with different text case options. In the "Capitalization" submenu, you will find several options for changing the text case. Select the appropriate case option based on your requirements.

Once you've selected the desired case option, the text you highlighted will immediately update to reflect the chosen case. That's it! You've successfully changed the text cases in Pages by Apple.

Please note that the underlying techniques to change text cases in any software are almost the same.

  1. First, you need to open the document in which you want to apply this change case option. Then select a portion of the text of the whole text based on your need.
  2. Locate the menu and submenu items or the ribbon option that contains the "Change Case" options. Once you click on that, it will reveal the available case options like the "Sentence case", "UPPER CASE", "lower case" and so on.
  3. Click on the case you want to convert your text and press OK or Apply. That's it! Your text has been converted to the case you want it to be.

This method can be used virtually everywhere you want to change the text case.


Online Text Case Converter

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