Precision in Your Writing and Formatting

Your text simplified, enhanced & perfected!

The List of All the Tools

This page lists all the tools this website offers. You can find them based on the tool category and then open it to start using them. Whenever we add a new useful tool to this website, we list it down here for a quick and easy access for our visitors and users. A small description besides the name of the tool also make it easier to understand what might a tool be used for. We hope that you would enjoy using those tools.

Change/Convert Case
Convert Case

Change or convert the case of your text online without re-typing anything.

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Word & Character Counter
Word Counter

Count characters, words, sentences and so on of your text.

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Find and Replace
Find & Replace

Find and Replace words or expressions to save you time.

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Convert/Change to Programmer Case
Programmer Case

Convert or change the text case to most widely used programming cases.

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Sort Text
Sort Text/List

Sort a list of text in your preferred order in no time.

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Reverse a List
Reverse a List

Reverse a list of items or texts instaltly and effortlessly.

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Convert to Camel Case
Convert to camel Case

Convert single or multiple lines of text into camel Case instantly.

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Convert to Snake Case
Convert to Snake Case

Convert one or more lines of text into Snake Case in a flash.

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Convert to Hyphen/Kebab Case
Convert to Hyphen Case

Convert one or many lines of text into Kebab Case right away.

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Remove Multiple Spaces
Remove Multiple Spaces

Remove unnecessary spaces from your text to clean it.

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Remove or Keep Numbers
Remove Line Breaks

Remove unnecessary line breaks to make the text readable and usable.

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Remove Duplicate Lines
Remove Duplicate Lines

Remove duplicate lines from you text and make it unique.

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Remove or Keep Number
Remove/Keep Numbers

Remove all numbers from your text or extract numbers from text.

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Number to Number Word Converter
Number to Number Words

Convert a number ino its spelled-out word format.

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Decimal to Binary Converter
Decimal to Binary

Convert a decimal number sytem into binary number system.

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Decimal to Octal Converter
Decimal to Octal

Convert a decimal number sytem into octal number system.

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Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter
Decimal to Hexadecimal

Convert a decimal number sytem into Hexadecimal system.

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URL Slugify
URL Slugify

Convert a list of text into beautifully formatted URL slugs.

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Underscore to Hyphen URLs
To Hyphen URLs

Convert underscored URLs into SEO-friendly hyphened URLs.

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CSS Minify
CSS Minify

Minify and reduce CSS file without impacting the design.

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FAQ 1: Are those tools free to use?
Answer: Yes, the tools we have on this website are absolutely free to use.

FAQ 2: Do you save the text that I enter in any of your tools?
Answer: No, we do not save any text that you copy & paste or type in our tools. If any tool needs to save any of the texts that you enter or type, we will ask for your consent.

FAQ 3: Do you save any personal information?
Answer: Any personal information that could be used to identify you explicitly is never stored on our website. We use cookies and it is for offering a better user experience, not to save personal data.

FAQ 4: I have an idea for a new tool that you may add to this website. Do you want to hear about it?
Answer: We would love to hear about the tool ideas that you have. In fact, we would highly appreciate it.

FAQ 5: Do I need to sign up or log in to use the tools that you offer?
Answer: No, you can use almost all of our tools without ever signing in or logging into our website.

FAQ 6: If there is a bug or issue with one of your tools, how do I let you know?
Answer: We would love to hear from you about any of the bugs, or issues with any of our tools. Please visit our Contact Us page to reach out to us or simply email us at

FAQ 7: Can I use these tools on my mobile device?
Answer: Yes, our website and text tools are mobile-friendly, so you can use them on smartphones and tablets. However, since most of those tools need a large amount of text, a desktop or a laptop offers a superior experience.


The Ultimate Text Tools

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