Decimal to Hexadecimal Number Converter

Convert a number from decimal to hexadecimal number system.

Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter

Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter converts a decimal number to its equivalent hexadecimal number and beyond.
To convert a decimal to hexadecimal, click Convert to Hexadecimal, and click Convert to All to convert to other number systems.
For example, the decimal number 1050 converts to 41A in Hexadecimal and so on.

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Our Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter is a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of converting numbers from the decimal numeral system to hexadecimal. This tool is useful for a wide range of applications and users, ranging from students to professionals. It effortlessly handles both integer numbers (458, for example) and decimal/float numbers (240.75, for instance), making it a really useful tool.

You may wonder why you need Hexadecimal! Well, the hexadecimal system may seem like a complex choice for representing numbers, but it offers unique advantages, especially in the world of computing. Hexadecimal numbers provide a more concise way to express large decimal or binary values. For instance, One million (10,00000) in decimal could be written as F4240 in hexadecimal. This system is commonly used in computer programming, digital memory addressing, and representing color values. Our Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter unlocks the power of hexadecimal by simplifying the conversion process.

Understanding Decimal & Hexadecimal Number Systems:

Decimal Number System:

The decimal numeral system, often referred to as base 10, is the number system that most of us are familiar with. It is built upon ten possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Each place value represents a power of ten, making it a straightforward system for everyday use. For example, the decimal number "6175" can be understood as follows:

  1. The first digit (5) is in the one's place, (5 * 1 = 5) [100=1]
  2. The second digit (7) is in the ten's place, (7 * 10 = 70) [101=10]
  3. The third digit (1) is in the hundred's place, (1 * 100 = 100) [102=100]
  4. The fourth digit (6) is in the thousand's place, (6 * 1000 = 6000) [103=1000]

Therefore, 6000 + 100 + 70 + 5 = 6175. This system is used for most common calculations, such as currency, time, and many real-world measurements.

Hexadecimal Number System:

The hexadecimal numeral system, often referred to as base 16, is a number system that uses sixteen symbols: 0-9 and A-F. This system is commonly used in mathematics and computer science to represent values in a more compact form. In hexadecimal, after counting to nine, the numbers continue with letters, starting with A (10), B (11), C (12), D (13), E (14), and F (15). For example, the hexadecimal number "1A3" can be explained as follows:

  1. The first digit (3) is in the one's place, (3 * 1 = 3) [160=1]
  2. The second digit (A) is in the sixteen's place, (10 * 16 = 160) [161=16, and A= 10]
  3. The third digit (1) is in the two hundred fifty-six's place, (1 * 256 = 256) [162=256]

So, The hexadecimal number 1A3 is equivalent to 256 + 160 + 3 = 419 in the decimal number. The hexadecimal system is valuable for tasks like memory addressing in computing and representing colors in web design.

What This Tool Does:

Our Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter is your gateway to effortless and accurate conversions between decimal and hexadecimal number systems. Whether you're an aspiring programmer, a computer science student, or anyone needing to work with hexadecimal values, this tool is here to make your life easier.

Converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal manually can be a cumbersome process, involving remainders and complex calculations. With our tool, you can quickly transform a decimal number into its hexadecimal equivalent at the click of a button. Say goodbye to time-consuming calculations and hello to efficiency.

Hexadecimal is widely used in computer science for tasks like memory addressing, binary data representation, and web development. Our converter empowers you to effortlessly switch between these numeral systems, giving you more control over your data and projects.

Additionally, our tool handles both whole numbers and fractional values with ease. It even allows you to convert scientific notation numbers, such as "2.5E8," into their hexadecimal representations. This versatility ensures that you can tackle a broad range of numeric conversion tasks without a hitch.

Embrace the simplicity, speed, and precision of our Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter and streamline your work in the world of hexadecimal numbers and computing.

How to Manually Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal?

Converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal is a straightforward process. Here, we'll show you how to manually convert decimal numbers into hexadecimal format, using two examples: 496 (an integer number) and 1025.50 (a floating point number).

In short:

To convert a decimal number, divide the number recursively by 16 until you get 0 as the final quotient. Then, write down the remainders in reverse order to get the Hexadecimal value."

For the fractional part, keep multiplying the fractional part by 16 until the fraction part becomes 0. Sometimes, the fraction part might not become 0 even after many multiplications. In such cases, take values up to a certain point, such as five or eight places.

Decimal to Octal Conversion Example
In detail:

Let's first explore the general steps to convert an integer number into hexadecimal.

Step 1: Start by dividing the given decimal number by 16: [This is because the hexadecimal number system has a number base of 16]. Record both the result (quotient) and the remainder.

Step 2: Notice the Quotient (result of the division): If the result is not zero (0), continue the process.

Step 3: Continue the process: Continue this process, placing each remainder in sequence until the result or quotient becomes zero (0).

Step 4: Record the reminders: Write the reminders (from bottom to top) that we've got so far from these divisions. Begin with the Most Significant Bit (MSB) at the bottom, and keep going to the top until you reach the Least Significant Bit (LSB). The output is the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number.

Example: Converting 496 to Hexadecimal

To convert the decimal number 496 to hexadecimal, follow these steps:

#Steps Divide by 16 Result/ Quotient Remainders
1 496 ÷ 16 31 0 (LSB) ↑
2 31 ÷ 16 1 F (F=15 in hexadecimal)
1 1 ÷ 16 0 1 (MSB) ↑

So, (496)10 in decimal is equivalent to (1F0)16 in hexadecimal.

Now let's explore the general steps to Converting a Decimal fraction number to a Hexadecimal

When dealing with decimal fractions, the process involves two parts: first to convert the integer part, and then to convert the fractional part. We have just discussed the general steps to convert an integer part. So we will not repeat those steps here.

In the second part, we'll need to convert the fractional part to hexadecimal. The general steps for this are given below:

Step 1: Multiply the fractional part by 16: [This is due to the fact that the hexadecimal number system has a number base of 16.] Also, notice both the integer and fractional parts of the result.

Step 2: Notice the fractional part of the result: If the fractional part of the result is anything other than zero (0), continue the multiplication process.

Step 3: Continue the process: Continue this process until you get a fractional part of "0". If you can not reach to zero after several attempts, record the result.

Step 4: Write the integer parts: Write the integer parts of the results from top to bottom. The top to bottom integer of the result is the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number.

Example: Converting 1025.50 to Hexadecimal

Integer Part = 1025

Thus, the hexadecimal equivalent of the integer part (1025)10 is (1016)16.

Fractional Part 0.50

Please note that you need to multiply the fractional number till you reach a fractional part (0). Here, the fractional number is 0.50; so multiply it by 16. This gives you 8.00, with a fractional part of 0.

Since we have reached to a fractional part of 0, we will stop the multiplication here. But, sometimes you may not reach 0 even after multiplying several times. In such cases, record the result up to the precision you want.

Thus, the hexadecimal equivalent of the fractional part (.50) is 8.

If we combine both these parts, it would become 401.8 in hexadecimal.

So, (1025.50)10 in decimal is equivalent to (401.8)16 in hexadecimal.

Please note that converting a decimal number to a binary, octal and hexadecimal all involve pretty much the same processes. To convert a decimal number to a binary, you divide the integer by 2 and multiply the fraction by 2. In the case of an octal conversion, you do the division, and multiplication with 8 and for hexadecimal, it is 16.

How to Use this Tool?

Converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal with our tool is a straightforward process designed with your convenience in mind. Here's an overview of how to use it:

1. Input Your Decimal Number: Begin by entering your decimal number in the provided input field called "Decimal Number". This could be an integer (e.g., 2538), a fractional decimal(2538.025), or a scientific number (e.g., 2.5E8).

2. Choose Your Convert Option: Our converter offers two options:

3. Reset: If you wish to perform another conversion, use the "Reset" button to reset the input and output fields and start fresh. This is especially handy when working on multiple conversions consecutively.

4. Load an example: It will load a decimal number and its equivalent Hexadecimal value in the corresponding fields.

5. Copy: You can conveniently copy the hexadecimal result to your clipboard using the "Copy" button.

6. Clear: You can clear the result fields by using the "Clear" button.

7. Download: It allows you to download the conversion details as a text file for future reference.

Whether you're a beginner exploring hexadecimal conversions or an experienced professional in need of quick and accurate results, our Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter provides the tools you need to simplify the process.


FAQ 1: What is the main purpose of this tool?
Answer: The main purpose of this tool is to efficiently convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal, making it easy for various applications in computing and digital systems.

FAQ 2: Is scientific notation supported for conversion?
Answer: Yes, our tool supports scientific notation. You can enter numbers in the format of "10e4" or "5.5e2" for accurate conversions.

FAQ 3: Can I convert decimal fractions to hexadecimal?
Answer: Absolutely! You can choose to include fractional (or decimal) numbers in your input.

FAQ 4: Is this tool free to use?
Answer: Yes, our Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter is completely free. You can access it without any charge or registration requirements.

FAQ 5: Can I convert large decimal numbers to hexadecimal?
Answer: Certainly. Our tool is designed to handle both small and large decimal numbers, ensuring you can convert a wide range of values to hexadecimal format.

FAQ 6: Who can benefit from using this converter?
Answer: This tool is valuable for anyone working with digital systems, programming, or electronics. Students, professionals, and enthusiasts can benefit from converting decimal to hexadecimal for various applications.


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