Change Text Case Online

Simply copy & paste your text or type in the textarea to change to your desired text case.

Online Text Case Converter

Change text case to UPPERCASE, lowercase, Sentence case, Title Case, camelCase and so on.

Load an example

Ready to convert text cases.

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Our text case converting tool is designed to seamlessly help you change text cases online, making it a versatile and efficient case converter. Whether you need to convert the text case for a document, social media post, essay, report and so on, this tool offers a range of options to meet your needs. The case converter online provides multiple text transform options, including uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, and more, allowing you to quickly and easily switch between different formats with precision and ease.

Using our text case converter ensures you can handle any case change requirements without the hassle of manual editing. The case changer is perfect for both casual users and professionals who need to change the text case frequently. This tool enhances productivity by enabling you to convert text in bulk, saving time and ensuring consistency. With this case convert solution, you can transform text online efficiently, making it an indispensable resource for anyone looking to streamline their text formatting tasks.


Load an example: It puts a sample text in the textarea so that you do not have to type or copy & paste anything in order to try the application or do some experiment with it.

Upload a file: It enables you to upload a text file into the textarea to convert the text case. It is particularly helpful to convert the case of a large text file.

lowercase: it changes all the text to lowercase.


Sentence case: It keeps the first letter of your sentence and "I" uppercase, and makes everything else lowercase.

Title Case: It Capitalises the First Letter of Every Word Except for Some Common Words Like "an", "the", "on", "at", "of" etc.

Capitalized Case: Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word.

tOGGLE cASE: Toggle case is also known as Inverse case. Toggle or Inverse Case shifts between two case views. Example: "This text would become tOGGLED and not just Toggled Text" would convert to "tHIS TEXT WOULD BECOME Toggled AND NOT JUST tOGGLED tEXT".

aLtErNaTiNg cAsE: An alternate case is also known as the Study Case. It makes the odd number letters in words small case and the even number letters in words upper case. If we convert it to an Alternating case, it will look like - aLtErNaTiNg cAsE Is aLsO KnOwN As sTuDy cAsE. iT MaKeS ThE OdD NuMbEr lEtTeRs iN WoRdS SmAlL CaSe aNd tHe eVeN NuMbEr lEtTeRs oF WoRd uPpEr cAsE.

RAndoM CasE: Random case is a text formatting style where each character's capitalization is determined randomly. This means that letters in a given text may switch between uppercase and lowercase unpredictably. For example, the phrase "Random Case" could appear as "rAnDoM CaSe" or "RaNdOm cAsE."

InVeRsE CaSe: Inverse case is also known as Toggle case. Inverse text case is a text transformation where each letter in the text is switched to the opposite case: uppercase letters are converted to lowercase, and lowercase letters are converted to uppercase. For example, "This Text Will Become InVeRsE and Not Just Inverse Text" will convert to "tHIS tEXT wILL bECOME iNvErSe AND nOT jUST iNVERSE tEXT".

snake_case: Snake case is also known as snail case. It is a text formatting style where words are written in lowercase and separated by underscores (_). This style is often used in programming and databases for variable names, function names, and file names to improve readability and avoid spaces. For example, the phrase "snake case example" would be written as "snake_case_example" in the snake case.

hyphen-case: Hyphen case, also known as kebab case, is a text formatting style where words are written in lowercase and separated by hyphens (-). This style is frequently used in URLs, CSS class names, and file names to improve readability and avoid spaces. For example, the phrase "hyphen case example" would be written as "hyphen-case-example" in the hyphen case.

camelCase: Camel case is also known as dromedary case, and it is a text formatting style where each word in a phrase is written without spaces, and each word after the first begins with a capital letter. The first letter of the first word is typically lowercase, and all subsequent words start with uppercase letters. This style is often used in programming for naming variables, functions, and classes. For example, "camel case example" would be written as "camelCaseExample" in camel case. Dot case, also known as dot notation, is a text formatting style where words are separated by dots or periods(.). Each word is typically written in lowercase. This style is often used in programming, especially for file names, configuration settings, and other identifiers. For example, the phrase "dot case example" would be written as "" in dot case.

Copy: It copies the text from the textarea to the clipboard so that you can paste it wherever (for example, your Word file or email client) you want.

Clear: It clears the text from the textarea and makes it empty.

Download: It downloads the output as a text file on your computer.

Basic Examples:

lower case: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. how quickly daft jumping zebras vex.


Sentence Case: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. How quickly daft jumping zebras vex.

Title Case: The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog. How Quickly Daft Jumping Zebras Vex.

tOGGLE cASE: tHE qUICK bROWN fOX jUMPS OVER THE lAZY dOG. hOW qUICKLY dAFT jUMPING zEBRAS vEX. (It may vary based on your input case)

Capitalised Case: The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog. How Quickly Daft Jumping Zebras Vex.

aLtErNaTiNg cAsE: tHe qUiCk bRoWn fOx jUmPs oVeR ThE LaZy dOg. hOw qUiCkLy dAfT JuMpInG ZeBrAs vEx.

RAndoM CasE: THe QUIck broWN fOX jUMPs OVeR ThE lAZy doG. HOw QuICkly DAfT jumpING ZebraS vex.


snake_case: the_quick_brown_fox ... (and so on)

hyphen-case: the-quick-brown-fox ... (and so on)

camelCase: theQuickBrownFox ... (and so on) ... (and so on)

How to Use this Tool?

Using this online Text Case Converter is easy. Just copy & paste your text in the textarea or type your desired text there. Alternatively, you can upload a file from your computer as the input in the textarea. Then you can click on different buttons based on the type of output you are expecting. For example, if your texts are in ALL CAPITAL (perhaps because you typed while the Caps Lock button on the keyboard was on), simply copy & paste it in the textarea and press the "Sentence case" button. All your text would be converted to natural sentence cases. Moreover, you can also convert your webpage titles to Title Case. This is a really handy option to save time and effort.

Once your desired output is ready, just copy it and then paste it to your desired place. You can do that by selecting the text in the textarea and copying the text and pasting it later or by using the "Copy" button. Alternatively, you can download the output as a text file on your computer by clicking on the Download option.

Load an example button lets you add some texts in the textarea automatically. With this dummy text, you can experience with the different buttons to see the output and understand what each button does.

It also shows the number of characters, words and lines/paragraphs that you have written or added as input into the textarea. This statistical data is useful when you need to write between a certain number of words or characters.

Have fun using our Online Text Case Converter tool. If you like this tool, please recommend it to others.

Ten Most Popular Text Cases:

Many different types of text cases exist, and while most of them have extensive use cases, a few of them are rarely used in the real world. Here, we will talk about the ten most popular text cases that are widely used.


Description: In uppercase text case (also known as all caps), all letters in a word or sentence are capitalized. This format is often used to convey emphasis, shouting, or for headings.


2. Lowercase (all small letters):

Description: In lowercase text case, all letters in a word or a sentence are in their small form. It is commonly used for regular text within a sentence or paragraph.

Example: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

3. Title Case:

Description: In the title case, the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for articles, conjunctions, and short prepositions (e.g., "a," "an," "the," "and," "in," "on" and so on). This style is typical for titles and headings.

Example: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog"

4. Capitalized Case (Cap Case):

Description: The capitalized case is similar to the title case, where the first letter of each word is capitalized. However, unlike the title case, it capitalizes articles, conjunctions, and short prepositions as well. This style is also commonly used for titles and headings.

Example: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"

Special Note: In the two examples above (Title Case & Capitalized Case), note that the article "the" is not capitalized in the Title Case but is capitalized in the Capitalized Case.

5. Sentence Case:

Description: Sentence case follows standard sentence structure, with only the first letter of the first word in a sentence capitalized. It's widely used in regular text.

Example: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

6. Camel Case:

Description: Camel case combines words by removing spaces & punctuations and capitalizing the first letter of each word after the first letter. It's often seen in programming for variable names or identifiers. There are two types of camel cases, upper camel cases & lower camel cases. In the upper camel case (which is also known as Pascal case), the initial letter or the first letter is capitalized, like in "CamelCaseExample". On the other hand, in the lower camel case, the first letter is not capitalized, like in "camelCaseExample".

Example: "theQuickBrownFox" or "verySuddenly" or "JumpsOverTheLazyDog"

7. Snake Case (or Snail Case):

Description: Snake case (also known as Snail Case) replaces spaces with underscores and keeps all letters in lowercase format. Snake case is commonly used in programming for variable names or filenames.

Example: "user_id" or "file_name" or "the_quick_brown_fox"

8. Kebab Case (or Hyphen Case):

Description: Kebab case (or hyphen case) uses hyphens to separate words and maintains all letters in lowercase. It is frequently used in URLs and filenames. Due to their use in the URLs, they are hugely popular.

Example: "page-title" or "date-of-birth" or "the-quick-brown-fox"

9. Toggle Case (or Inverter Case):

Description: Toggle case switches the capitalization of letters, turning uppercase into lowercase and vice versa. It's sometimes used for stylistic or design purposes.

Example: "tOGGLE cASE eXAMPLE"

10. Alternating Case (sTuDy cAsE):

Description: Alternating case switches between uppercase and lowercase letters in an alternating pattern (i.e. one smaller and then a capital or vice versa). The first letter in the sentence is usually a small letter. It's often used for creative or stylistic purposes, such as in memes or artistic designs.

Example: "tHe qUiCk bRoWn fOx jUmPs oVeR ThE LaZy dOg"

When to Use This Tool?

To change the text to Lowercase: When you have a single line or multiple lines of text (or even multiple sections of text) that you need to convert to lower text case, this tool can be your perfect solution. Just copy & paste your text in the textarea and press the "lower case" button. All your text will be converted to lowercase instantly.

To change the text to Uppercase: When you have some text that you want to convert to the Upper text case, this case converter online tool can be the perfect solution for that. Just copy & paste your text in the textarea and press the "UPPER CASE" button. Your text will be changed to all uppercase immediately.

To change the text to Sentence case: When you need to change your text (that could be a single line or multiple pages!) to sentence text case, use this online tool for free. Copy & paste your text in the textarea and press the "Sentence case" button. It will immediately transform your text into a sentence case.

To change the text to Title case: When you have a single line or multiple lines of text (or even multiple pages of text) that you want to convert to the title text case online, use our Convert case tool. Simply copy & paste your text in the textarea and press the "Title Case" button. All your text will be immediately converted to the title case.

To change the text to the Capitalized case: When you have some text that you want to change to the Capitalized Case (the first letter is capitalized in each word), this case converter online tool can be your ideal solution. Just copy & paste your text in the textarea and press the "Capitalized Case" button. This will change your input into the Capitalized Text Case.

To change the text to Toggle Case or Inverse Case: If you are looking for a solution to present your text in such a way that all your lowercase letters will be converted to Uppercase and all your Uppercase will be turned into lowercase, this online case converter tool can do exactly this. The toggle text case is also called the Inverse case since in this text case the original text case is inversed/reversed. To transform your text into the Toggle Case, simply enter your text in the textarea and press the "tOGGLE cASE" button.

To change the text to Alternating Case: If you have some text that you want to convert to the Alternating text case (also known as Study Case) in which all the odd number letters are in lowercase and all the even number letters are in uppercase, you can use our online text case converter tool. Simply input your text and press the "aLtErNaTiNg cAsE" button for your desired output.

To change the text to Random Case: If you have some text that you want to convert to the Random text case, use our online text case converter tool. Enter your text in the textarea and press the "RAndoM CasE" button. It will immediately transform your text into the Randon case. Random text case is a formatting style where the letters in a text are randomly capitalized and lowercased. This can be used for creating visual variety or obfuscation, making the text stand out in a quirky or playful way.

To change the text to Inverse Case or Toggle Case: If you need to present your text in such a way that all your lowercase letters will be converted to Uppercase and all your Uppercase will be transformed into lowercase, this online case converter tool can do exactly this. The Inverse text case is also called the Toggle case since in this text case the original text case is inversed/reversed or toggled. To transform your text into the Inverse Text Case, simply enter your text in the textarea and press the "InVeRsE CaSe" button.

To change the text to Snake case: If you need to convert your text to snake case or snail case in which all the words will be converted to lowercase and separated by underscores (_), simply enter your text in the textarea and press the "snake_case" button. Snake case or snail case is frequently used in programming and databases for variable names, function names, and file names to improve readability and avoid spaces.

To change the text to Hyphen case: When you need to convert your text to the hyphen case or kebab case in which all the text will be converted to lowercase and separated by hyphens (-), simply input your text in the textarea and press the "hyphen-case" button. This hyphen or kebab case is frequently used in URLs, CSS class names, and file names to improve readability and avoid spaces.

To change the text to Camel case: Whenever you need to convert your text to the camel case or dromedary case, simply enter your text in the textarea and press the "camelCase" button. Camel case is a text formatting style in which each word in a phrase is written without spaces, and each word after the first word begins with a capital letter. This style is often used in programming for naming variables, functions, and classes.

To change the text to Dot case: If you need to convert your text to the dot case, enter your text in the textarea of our tool and press the "" button. Dot case is a text formatting style in which all the words will be in lowercase and separated by dots or periods (.). This text formatting style is sometimes used in programming, especially for file names, configuration settings, and other identifiers.

The Benefits of Using Text Case Converter Online

In the fast-paced world of digital communication and content creation, precision matters. Whether you're drafting an email, coding a program, or crafting a blog post, the way you present your text can significantly impact how it's received. That's where this online text case converter comes to the rescue which simply changes the text case to your desired text case with precision. These versatile tools offer a plethora of benefits that extend beyond mere aesthetics. Enjoy this case converter tool online and make your text case conversion task effortless.

Correcting Capitalization Errors:

One of the most common writing blunders is accidental caps lock. We've all been there, typing away, only to realize that the entire sentence is SHOUTING AT US. With an online text case converter, you can swiftly correct these capitalization mishaps. No more manual rewrites; simply copy and paste your text, select the desired case, and let the converter do the work. It's a time-saving solution that ensures your text maintains a professional appearance.

Streamlining Content:

Imagine you're working on a document, and you forgot to capitalize certain words that should be in the title case. Rewriting the entire document can be both tedious and time-consuming. This text case converter tool offers a "Capitalize Text" feature that automatically transforms your text into a title case. It's a boon for writers, content creators, and anyone who wants to ensure consistency in their content without the hassle of manual edits.

Enhancing Readability:

Online content needs to be easily digestible. Excessive capitalization or lowercase text can be distracting. Text case converters allow you to strike the right balance. You can convert some of your text to "All Uppercase" to grab attention, and then switch to "Sentence Case" to ensure readability and professionalism. The ability to adapt your text's appearance enhances its impact on readers.

Optimizing for SEO:

For content creators and website owners, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is highly important. Properly capitalizing each word in a title can boost your click-through rate (CTR). Online text case converters can quickly and accurately apply the title case to your headings and titles. This small adjustment can have a significant impact on your content's visibility and ranking on search engines.

Coding Conventions:

In the realm of programming, adhering to coding conventions is essential. Different programming languages have specific rules for naming variables, constants, classes, and functions. For instance, variables are typically named in lowercase, while constants follow "snake_case" or "camelCase." Text case converters ensure that your code is clean, readable, and follows industry-standard naming conventions.

So, in a world where the nuances of text presentation can significantly impact communication, using an online text case converter is a smart choice. These tools go beyond the surface, offering benefits like error correction, content streamlining, enhanced readability, SEO optimization, coding convention adherence, and even content generation.

Whether you're a writer aiming for polished content, a coder following best practices, or simply someone looking to improve the clarity of your messages, text case converters have a place in your digital toolkit. They exemplify the power of technology to simplify tasks, improve efficiency, and elevate the quality of our written and coded expressions.


FAQ 1: Can I use the Title Case option of this tool to make my webpage post titles?
Answer: Yes, you can use our tool to convert any text to the Title Text for your webpages including your WordPress posts and Page Titles.

FAQ 2: Do you save the text that I use in your tool?
Answer: No, we do not save any text that you copy & paste or type in our Online Text Case Converter tool.

FAQ 3: I don't want to type or copy & paste any test. Is there any way to still test the features of this tool?
Answer: Yes, simply click on the "Load an example" button and it will add a sample text in the textarea. This way you can test/experiment with the different options without typing anything or copying & pasting any text.

FAQ 4: What type of text files can I upload in the textarea to change text cases?
Answer: You can upload the most common types of text files as input in the textarea. These formats include .txt, rtf, .doc, .docx, and .wpd.

FAQ 5: Do you have browser plugins for the Change/ Convert text case tool that you have here?
Answer: No, we do not have any browser plugins yet. We may release a plugin in the future.

FAQ 6: What is the character limit for the text that I can change the case at a time?
Answer: The textarea has a character limit of 5000. That means you can convert 5000 characters at a time. However, if you need to convert more than 5000 characters of your document, simply split it and use the tool multiple times.

Blog Posts

Sentence case vs Title case Blog Post 1
Sentence Case vs Title Case: Choosing the Right Style

It seems obvious, but sometimes it may not! This article explores the differences between two widely used text cases called - 'sentence case', and 'title case' - and outlines their usage in various contexts...

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Science behind Text Case Conversion
Science and Art Behind Text Case Conversion

Delve into the psychology of text case conversion and its influence on readers. Uncover how different cases can affect the speed of reading, information recall, and overall cognitive processing...

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Enhance Text Chase Anywhere
How to Change Text Cases Anywhere and Everywhere!

This definitive guide helps you learn and implement ways to convert your text to other cases, including in HTML, Java, PHP, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and so on...

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Appropriate Text Case
How Appropriate Text Case Enhances Readability

This interesting article delves into the nuances of different text cases and their impact on readability. Learn the benefits of using appropriate case styles in different contexts...

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Online Text Case Converter

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