Convert to Snake Case/ Snail Case Online

Convert a list of texts, hyphen/kebab case text to snake/snail case instantly.

Snake Case /Snail Case Converter

Snake Case (also "Snail Case") removes unnecessary punctuation marks & spaces and adds underscore(_).
It can also convert kebab or hyphen case into the snake (or snail) case. For instance, "This is^ A# text" or "This-is-A-text" transforms to
"this_is_a_text" in the lower snake case, and "THIS_IS_A_TEXT" in the upper snake case.

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Welcome to our "Snake/ Snail Case Converter" tool, your go-to solution for effortlessly transforming plain text or kebab case text into the Snake Case or Snail Case format. This user-friendly tool simplifies the process of converting text or hyphen/kebab case to Snake/Snail Case, providing a seamless experience. Whether you have a single line of text or dashed text (known as kebab case) or a list of items in which text and kebab case variables are mixed, this tool ensures quick and accurate conversions.

To get started, either upload a text file, or enter your text/ kebab case variables or constants into the "Input" field in separate lines. You can also copy and paste your text or variable names with dashes in them. Then, with a single button click, seamlessly transform your text/ variables into the Snake Case format that enhances your coding, naming, or formatting endeavours. There are two types of the Snake Case: UPPER SNAKE CASE and lower snake case and this tool offers conversion to both.

What is Snake Case?

Snake case (also known as Snail Case, or Pothoole Case) is a textual convention employed in computer programming and naming conventions. It is particularly useful for creating compound words or phrases where words are separated by underscores (_), and all letters are in either lowercase (most frequently used) or UPPERCASE. The term "snake case" derives its name from the underscore character, which resembles the segmented body of a snake. There are two primary variations of snake cases: Upper Snake Case and Lower Snake Case, each with distinct use cases and characteristics.

Upper Snake Case:

In Upper Snake Case, also known as SCREAMING SNAKE CASE or CONSTANT CASE, all letters are in uppercase, and words are separated by underscores. This convention is commonly used for naming constants, configuration variables, or environment variables in programming.

Example 1:

Input: The quick(!) Brown fox^^

Example 2:

Input: ThiS iS Ano^t#her ex!ample

Lower Snake Case:

Lower Snake Case, on the other hand, follows the same convention of separating words with underscores, but all letters are in lowercase. It is widely used for variable names, function names, and file names in programming.

Example 1:

Input: The quick(!) Brown fox^^
Output: the_quick_brown_fox

Example 2:

Input: ThiS iS Ano^t#her ex!ample
Output: this_is_another_example

What This Tool Does:

Our Snake Case/ Snail Case Converter tool simplifies the process of transforming text/ dashed variable names into the snake case format with utmost ease and precision. You can convert your text/ dashed variables both in the UPPER SNAKE CASE or lower snake case based on your need. This tool takes one or multiple lines of text/ variable names as input and seamlessly converts them into the snake case format. It achieves this by removing spaces between words and any unnecessary punctuation symbols, ensuring a clean and uniform structure. Words within the text are separated by underscores (_), making it easy to distinguish individual elements within compound names or phrases.

If your input includes multiple lines, our tool intelligently recognizes your intention to create multiple snake case outputs. It then provides you with the corresponding snake case format for each line in your input.

In the output textarea, you'll find the transformed text in which words are separated by underscores (_), ready to enhance your programming, naming conventions, or any other application where snake case (also called pothole case or snail case) is the preferred format. Whether you are working with variable names, filenames, or any other text that requires consistent formatting with underscores, our Snake Case/ Snail Case Converter streamlines the process, ensuring clarity, readability, and uniformity in your text.

When to Use snake_case, or snail_case?

Snake (also known as Snail case or Pothole case) case finds its place in various scenarios where clear, standardized, and space-free naming is essential. Below are some scenarios when a snake/ snail case is not only necessary but commonly employed.

1. Variable Naming in Programming: Snake case is frequently used in software development to name variables, providing an easily readable and consistent format.
Example: `user_age`, `total_items_in_cart`

2. File and Directory Naming: In file systems, snake case is a preferred choice for naming files and directories, where spaces and special characters can lead to compatibility issues.
Example: `employee_names.docx`, `user_profile_pictures`

3. Function and Method Naming: Naming functions and methods in snake case is a common practice, especially in languages that prefer lowercase identifiers.
Example: `calculate_discount()`, `get_user_info()`

4. Database Column Names: Snake case is utilized in databases, following naming conventions that prefer underscore-separated column names.
Example: `order_date`, `customer_address`

5. API Endpoints: Snake case is sometimes employed for API endpoints and URL paths, facilitating clear and human-readable routing.
Example: `/get_user_profile`, `/product_details`

6. Configurations: When defining configuration settings, snake case is a common choice for parameter names.
Example: `max_retry_attempts`, `log_file_path`

7. Environment Variables: Snake case is often used for naming environment variables, ensuring uniformity across configurations.
Example: `database_username`, `api_key_secret`

8. Mathematical Notation: In mathematical equations or engineering calculations, snake case provides clarity in variable naming.
Example: `acceleration_due_to_gravity`, `initial_temperature_celsius`

9. Documentation and Comments: Snake case is beneficial for writing documentation, code comments, and annotations where spaces are typically avoided.
Example: `#load_configuration_file`, `/* retrieve_user_data */`

In these scenarios, the snake case (also known as Snail case or Pothole case) offers a clean and recognizable format, enhancing readability, maintainability, and compatibility across programming languages and contexts. Choosing the snake/ snail case for your naming needs ensures that your identifiers are free from spaces or special characters that might otherwise lead to inconsistencies and complications in various programming and naming contexts.


FAQ 1: What is snake case, and why is it important?
Answer: Snake case (also known as Snail case or Pothole case) is a naming convention where words are separated by underscores and all letters are in either lowercase or uppercase. It's crucial for creating consistent, readable, and space-free identifiers in programming.

FAQ 2: What is the Convert to Snake/ Snail Case tool?
Answer: The Convert to Snake/ Snail Case tool is an online utility that simplifies the process of transforming text into the snake/ snail case format, widely used in programming and naming conventions.

FAQ 3: Can I convert multiple lines of text into snake/ snail case?
Answer: Yes, the tool supports multiple lines of text. It recognizes your intention to create multiple snake case outputs and provides the corresponding format for each line in your input.

FAQ 4: What's the difference between Upper Snake Case and Lower Snake Case?
Answer: Upper Snake Case (also known as CONSTANT CASE) has all uppercase letters and is commonly used for constants, while Lower Snake Case (e.g., variable_name) uses all lowercase letters and is prevalent for variable and function names.

FAQ 5: Can I use the tool for free?
Answer: Yes, the Convert to Snake/ Snail Case tool is available for free, providing a convenient and efficient way to format your text into the Snake/ Snail Case convention.

FAQ 6: Can I change my variable names that are written in the kebab or hyphen case to the snake/snail case using this tool?
Answer: Yes, you can convert any number of kebab/hyphen case variable or constant names to the snake/snail/pothole case with our tool. Just make sure each of them is in a new line in the "Input" field when you copy/paste or upload them.


Online Text Case Converter

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