Text Cases Converted by this Tool
Our "Programmer's Text Case Converter" tool can convert text into various common text cases used by programmers and designers. Here are the text cases that you can easily generate with this tool:
1. Lower Case:
Description: In lowercase text case, all letters in a word, sentence or paragraph are in their small form. It is commonly used for regular text within a sentence or paragraph.
Example: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
2. Camel Case / Lower Camel Case:
Description: Camel case combines words by removing spaces & punctuations and capitalizing the first letter of each word except for the first letter in the first word in the case of lower camel case. There are two types of camel cases: upper camel case & lower camel case.
In the lower camel case, the first letter is not capitalized, but the first letters in the remaining words are capitalized like in "camelCaseExample" & "iAmCamelCase". On the other hand, in the upper camel case (which is also known as the Pascal case), the initial letter or the first letter is also capitalized, like in "CamelCaseExample" and "IAmCamelCase".
Camel Case is often seen in programming for variable names or identifiers.
Lower Camel Case: "theQuickBrownFox", "verySuddenly", "jumpsOverTheLazyDog"
Upper Camel Case/ Pascal Case: "TheQuickBrownFox", "VerySuddenly", "JumpsOverTheLazyDog"
3. Snake Case/ Snail Case/ Pothole Case:
Description: Snake cass (/Snail case or Pothole case) replaces spaces with underscores and keeps all letters in lowercase format while removing punctuations. This case is commonly used in programming for variable names or filenames.
Example: "user_id" or "file_name" or "the_quick_brown_fox"
4. Kebab Case/ Hyphen Case / Dash Case:
Description: Kebab case (or hyphen case/ dash case) uses hyphens to separate words and maintains all letters in lowercase. It also removes punctuation marks. It is frequently used in URLs and filenames. Due to their use in the URLs, they are hugely popular.
Example: "page-title" or "date-of-birth" or "the-quick-brown-fox"
5. Pascal Case/ Upper Camel Case:
Description: Pascal Case and the Upper Camel Case have exactly the same naming conventions. Pascal Case is a naming convention where the first letter of each word is capitalized and spaces or punctuation marks are removed. It is commonly used for naming classes, variables, or identifiers in programming.
Example: "MyVariableName" or "EmployeeInfo" or "CalculateTotalAmount"
6. COBOL Case/ Screaming Kebab Case:
Description: COBOL Case, also known as Screaming Kebab Case is a naming convention that uses uppercase letters with words separated by a dash (-). It is prevalent in COBOL programming and is considered more readable due to its use of dash (-) between words.
7. Macro Case/ Constant Case/ Screaming Snake Case:
Description: Macro Case, also known as Constant Case or Screaming Snake Case is a naming convention where all letters are capitalized, and words are separated by underscores (_). It is commonly used for defining constants in programming and is known for its readability and distinction from variable names.