Hyphen/ Kebab Case Converter Online

Convert any list of texts into a Hyphen Case or Kebab Case.

Convert to Hyphen/ Kebab Case

Hyphen/ Kebab Case removes spaces and punctuation marks and replaces spaces with hyphens(-) between words.
For example, "This^ is* a text" changes to "this-is-a-text".

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Thank you for visiting this page that enables you to convert any text or a list of text to the hyphen or kebab case . "Convert to Hyphen/ Kebab Case" is your answer to effortlessly converting text into the Hyphen Case or Kebab Case format. This simple yet powerful and user-friendly tool simplifies the process of converting text to Hyphen Case, providing a great experience. Whether you have just one line of text or a large list of items, this tool ensures fast and precise conversions to the hyphen case. To get started, upload a text file, or enter your text into the "Input" field, or simply copy and paste your text. Then, with a single click of the "Convert to Hyphen/ Kebab Case" button, smoothly transform your text into the Hyphen Case or Kebab Case format that enhances your coding, naming, or formatting endeavors.

What is the Hyphen/ Kebab Case?

Hyphen case, also known as Kebab case, is a textual convention employed in computer programming and naming conventions. For example, if you look at the URL of a website, you will notice the use of the hyphen case in the URL. This text case is particularly useful for creating compound words or phrases where words are separated by hyphens (-), and all letters are in lowercase.

The term "Hyphen case" derives its name from the hyphen character (-), which separates words in the same way as a kebab skewer.

The term Kebab Case comes from this text case's associated imagery of a skewer in a kebab. We all know that (at least those who eat and love Kebab) the skewer pierces multiple pieces of food together on a shish kebab. For example, "This is a text" transforms to "this-is-a-text" in the Hyphen Case (Kebab Case) format.

What This Tool Does:

Our Hyphen/ Kebab Case Converter tool simplifies the process of converting your text into the Hyphen Case format with ease and precision. This tool takes one or multiple lines of text as input and converts them into the Hyphen Case or Kebab Case format. It achieves this by replacing spaces with hyphens (-) and by removing punctuation symbols, ensuring a clean and uniform structure.

If your input includes multiple lines, our tool recognizes your intention to create multiple Hyphen-case outputs. It then provides you with the corresponding Hyphen Case/ Kebab Case format for each line in your input.

In the output text area, you'll find the converted text, ready to enhance your programming, naming conventions, or any other application where Hyphen Case (Kebab Case) is the preferred format. Whether you're working with URLs, CSS classes, or any other text that requires consistent formatting, our Hyphen/ Kebab Case Converter streamlines the process, ensuring clarity, readability, and uniformity in your text.

When to Use Hyphen/ Kebab Case?

Hyphen case (Kebab case) is essential where clear, standardized, and space-free but easily understandable naming is essential. Below are ten scenarios when the Hyphen Case is not only necessary but commonly employed:

1. URLs and Web Paths: Hyphen Case is widely used in URLs and web paths, making them more readable and SEO-friendly.
Example: /user-profile/user-settings/preference-config

2. CSS Classes and IDs: In web development, Hyphen Case is commonly used for naming CSS classes and IDs for styling web elements.
Example: .header-menu, #content-wrapper

3. File Names in URLs: When naming files for web resources, Hyphen Case helps create clean and SEO-friendly URLs.
Example: image-gallery.jpg

4. Command-Line Options: Hyphen Case is used for specifying command-line options in many software applications.
Example: --verbose-mode, -h

5. HTML Attributes: In HTML, Hyphen Case is employed for attributes like data attributes.
Example: data-user-id="123"

6. RESTful API Endpoints: RESTful APIs often use Hyphen Case for endpoint URLs, ensuring clear and readable resource paths.
Example: /api/v1/user-profiles

7. Variable Naming: Hyphen Case is often used for variables and object properties names in many programming languages to enhance code readability.
Example: user-data, element-width

8. Markdown and Documentation: When writing documentation or markdown files, Hyphen Case is used for section headers and links.
Example: #getting-started, [link-to-page]

9. SEO and Keywords: For SEO purposes, using Hyphen Case in URLs and keywords can improve search engine ranking.
Example: best-laptops-under-500

10. File and Directory Naming: When organizing files and directories, Hyphen Case helps maintain consistency and readability.
Example: project-files, user-profile-images

In these scenarios, Hyphen/ Kebab Case offers a clean and recognizable format, enhancing readability, maintainability, and compatibility across web development, programming languages, and various contexts. Choosing Hyphen Case for your naming needs ensures that your text is free from spaces or special characters that might otherwise lead to inconsistencies and complications.


FAQ 1: What is Hyphen Case (Kebab Case)?
Answer: Hyphen Case, also known as Kebab Case, is a naming convention where words are separated by hyphens (-) and all letters are in lowercase. It's commonly used in web development, URLs, and programming to create space-free and readable identifiers.

FAQ 2: How does the Convert to Hyphen/ Kebab Case tool work?
Answer: The "Convert to Hyphen Case tool" simplifies the process of transforming text into the Hyphen Case (Kebab Case) format. You can enter text or paste it into the input area, and the tool will replace spaces with hyphens (-) and remove punctuation marks, creating a Hyphen Case output.

FAQ 3: Can I convert multiple lines of text into Hyphen Case?
Answer: Yes, the tool supports multiple lines of text. It recognizes your intention to create multiple Hyphen Case outputs and provides the corresponding format for each line in your input.

FAQ 4: Where is Hyphen Case commonly used?
Answer: Hyphen Case is commonly used in URLs, web development for CSS classes and IDs, command-line options, RESTful API endpoints, JavaScript variables, and more. It's a preferred choice for creating space-free and readable identifiers in various contexts.

FAQ 5: Is the Convert to Hyphen/ Kebab Case tool free to use?
Answer: Yes, the Convert to Hyphen Case tool is available for free, providing a convenient and efficient way to format your text into the Hyphen Case (Kebab Case) convention.


Online Text Case Converter

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