Convert URLs with Underscores into URLs with Hyphens

Enter text, title, or underscored URLs or slugs and get SEO-friendly clean URLs.

Convert Titles/Underscored URLs into Clean URLs

This tool converts titles or underscored(_) URLs into clean URLs.
In the clean URLs, words are separated using dash/hyphen(-). The output is SEO-friendly URLs.
For example, "master_photography_tutorial" or "Master Photography Tutorial " becomes "master-photography-tutorial"

Load an example

Conversion Type:

Ready to convert Title or URLs to Dashed URLs.

Powerful Underscore to Hyphen URLs Converter:

Thank you for choosing our "Underscore to Hyphen URLs" tool. This powerful online utility transforms URLs/ text/ blog posts/ webpage titles or underscored slugs into SEO-friendly clean URL slugs or fully qualified URLs with precision and ease. Whether you're looking to create clean and optimized web links, convert underscores(_) to dashes(-) in your URLs or need to convert text for online purposes, our Underscore to Hyphen tool is a great solution.

With this tool, you can convert a single title/URL or text, as well as hundreds of them into SEO-friendly URLs with just a single button click. This online tool makes bulk URL conversion easier than ever. If all your URLs are in underscore form(_), and you want them to be in dashed or hyphened(-) form, this tool is your ideal solution. It is fast, reliable and consistent.

By simply typing or copy & pasting your URLs/ post titles in the "Input" field, or alternatively, uploading a file from your local drive, and then clicking the "To Dash/ Clean URLs" button, you can instantly generate Search Engine-friendly URLs for your website or blog.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is essential for enhancing your website's visibility and ranking in Search Engines Result Pages. Using well-structured and clean URLs is a fundamental part of SEO, and our Underscore to Hyphen URLs tool simplifies this process, ensuring your links are in compliance with SEO best practices.

Use this online tool to change underscored URLs or URL slugs into SEO-friendly dash/hyphen URLs or URL Slugs. For example, if you enter in the Input textarea, this tool will change it to You can convert multiple underscored(_) URLs into their dashed(-) versions instantly.

What This Tool Does:

The "Underscore to Hyphen URLs" tool lets you generate SEO-friendly URLs or URL slugs instantly, effortlessly and with superb precision. It greatly simplifies the process of transforming regular text, page titles, post titles or underscored URLs/URL Slugs into web-ready URLs in which underscores are replaced with hyphens. This online tool can convert a single line (as well as hundreds of lines) of URLs, text or post title(s) to meaningful and SEO-friendly URL slugs instantly. Whether you need to convert a single or multiple URLs, text, post titles or a mix of hundreds of post titles/ URLs and text, this tool can do it for you.

This online handy tool allows you to control how you want to generate or transform your URLs or URL slugs while offering some essential settings or configurations. For instance, if you want to only replace underscores with hyphens and make no other changes, you can select the "No Change" radio option. Similarly, you can decide to convert the URLs into lowercase, remove empty lines and so on from the settings under the Change & Clean Radio Option.

This tool normalizes and replaces diacritics (for instance à, å, ē, é, ŏ, ü, etc) from the URLs or texts and converts accented and diacritic characters into their plain English counterparts. The result is a cleaner URL. It can also replace some special characters with their equivalent English text forms. For instance, the '£' sign' will be converted to the word 'pound'. This is an excellent way to make your URL more meaningful, human-readable and SEO-friendly. Moreover, it replaces underscores and spaces with hyphens, and removes non-ASCII characters.

With this tool, you can convert all your underscored URLs from your website into SEO-friendly dash/hyphen URLs. You can input hundreds of URLs and then convert them with just a single click of a button.

How to Use This Tool?

Using our "Underscore to Hyphen URLs" tool is simple and straightforward. Here's how you can make the most of it:

1. Load an example: This option will add some lines of text (a mixture of seven 'page titles', 'post titles', 'full URLs' and 'URL slugs') in the Input textarea so that you do not have to wonder what to type in or upload.
2. Upload File: With the "Upload File" option, you can upload a file from your local drive as input in the "Input" textarea. When you have a list of Titles or URLs that you have saved on your local drive, this feature saves time.
3. Input Text: Enter your text, titles or URLs into the "Input" text area to convert them. You can enter a single line of text/URL or hundreds of lines of text or URLs. You can also utilize the "Load an example" link to load sample text.
4. Conversion Type: Select one of the two conversion types from this Radio selection option. If you choose "No Change" option, the output URLs will retain their original text case, do not replace Stop Words and so on. To control the conversion type settings, choose Change & Clean radio options and then decide on the settings.
5. To Dash/ Clean URLs: Click the "To Dash/ Clean URLs" button to initiate the transformation of your text/URLs into an SEO-friendly URL slug in which words are separated with dashes/hyphens instead of underscores. This tool will also remove non-ASCII characters, and convert accented and diacritic characters into their standard English equivalents.
6. View Output: The resulting SEO-friendly dashed/hyphened URLs will appear in the "Output" textarea. You can easily copy these optimized URLs and paste them wherever needed.
7. Download Output: For added convenience, you can download the optimized URLs as a text file with the .txt extension by clicking the Download button.
8. Clear Everything: To start anew, click the "Clear Everything" button. This will clear both the input and output text areas, allowing you to begin anew.

Understand the Settings

While converting titles, and underscored URLs into SEO-friendly dashed URLs from this tool, you have several configuration options to choose from. Understanding these settings will help you generate much better URLs for your website or blog. Here, we will list those configuration options and their functionality in detail.

Conversion Type: It has two radio options A. No Change and B. Change & Clean. The default selection is No Change. If the "No Change" option is selected, the output URLs will retain the original text case, keep empty lines and a few special characters. Use this setting if you have a website that has underscore URL structure and you want to just change that to hyphen/dash and keep everything else the same.
Click on the "Change & Clean" radio option to open more settings. These settings include:

(i) Convert to Lowercase
(ii) Remove Special Characters & Emojis
(iii) Remove Stop Words (English Only)
(iv) Clean Unnecessary Space & Dash.

(i) Convert to Lowercase: This checkbox is by default selected when you choose the "Change & Clean" radio option. When it is check-marked, the tool will generate URLs that are in lowercase letters. If you uncheck this option, the output (produced URLs) will be in the same text case that you entered in the Input textarea.

Tips: Use lowercase letters for your website or blog URLs.

(ii). Remove Special Characters and Emojis: This checkbox is by default selected. If this option is selected, the tool will remove special characters and emojis that should not be part of a URL. If you uncheck this option, the output (produced URLs) will contain some special characters.

Tips: Remove Special characters and Emojis from your website or blog URLs.

(iii). Remove Stop Words (English Only): By default, this option is Unticked (NOT selected). When it is selected, the tool will remove some Stop Words from the URL slugs. Stop words are words that are sometimes deemed unnecessary for the URL. They are also removed from URLs to shorten them.

Tips: Search engines, these days, have become far more sophisticated with the help of AI than in the past, and removing all of the Stop Words is not recommended. Our advice is to keep them if the URL does not become too lengthy. Also, do not remove them if the resulting URL slugs compromise readability.

Please note that we only remove a couple of Stop Words that do not make your URLs unreadable. That is why you can safely use this option. Out tool treats "a", "an", "and", "the", "to" as stop words.

(iv). Clean Unnecessary Space & Dash: By default, this option is ticked or selected. When it is selected, the tool will remove any empty lines and unnecessary dashes/hyphens from the output (URLs).

Also, our tool replaces some special characters like ($, €, % and so on) into their text forms to make the URL slugs more SEO-friendly and human-readable. The special characters that our tool will convert to their word forms include $: dollar, €: euro, £: pound, ¥: yen, ₹: rupee, &: and, %: percent, <: less than, >: greater than and so on.

Why Dash/Hyphen instead of Underscore in URLs?

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) are the backbone of the internet, serving as the addresses that guide users to specific web pages. While constructing URLs, developers often face the choice between using dashes/hyphens (-) or underscores (_) to separate words. This seemingly minor decision can have significant implications for website usability, search engine optimization (SEO), and overall user experience. Here, we will explore why using dashes/hyphens in URLs is preferable to underscores, and how this simple change can positively impact your online presence.

1. Readability and Aesthetics

Dashes/hyphens provide a clear visual separation between words in a URL, making it easier for users to read and understand. In contrast, underscores can sometimes blend into the text and create confusion, especially in longer URLs.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines like Google prefer dashes/hyphens over underscores when interpreting URLs. Dashes are treated as word separators, allowing search engines to better understand the individual words in a URL and improve the page's visibility in search results. This can ultimately lead to higher search rankings and increased organic traffic.

3. Word Separation

Dashes/hyphens naturally separate words in a URL, mimicking the spacing convention used in written language. This makes the URL more human-readable and enhances accessibility for users, especially those with visual impairments who may rely on screen readers to navigate the web.

4. Compatibility with Web Technologies

Dashes/hyphens are universally recognized as word separators in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Using dashes in URLs ensures consistency across different platforms and minimizes the risk of compatibility issues when linking to or sharing web pages.

5. Consistency in Naming Conventions

Adopting dashes/hyphens as the standard word separator in URLs promotes consistency in naming conventions across your website. Consistency simplifies website maintenance, improves code readability, and reduces the likelihood of errors or inconsistencies in URL structure.


FAQ 1: Why are SEO-friendly URLs important?
Answer: SEO-friendly URLs enhance your website's search engine visibility. They provide clarity to both users and search engines about the content of a page, positively impacting search rankings and user experience.

FAQ 2: Why should I use dash/hyphen (-) instead of underscore (_) in my URLs?
Answer: Firstly, search engines like Google treat dashes as word separators, making it easier for them to understand the individual words in a URL. This can improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of your website and increase its visibility in search results. Additionally, dashes enhance readability for users, as they provide a clear visual separation between words. This makes URLs easier to understand and remember, ultimately improving the user experience.

FAQ 2: How do I use this tool?
Answer: Using this tool is very easy. Simply paste or type your text, titles or URLs into the "Input" field, and then click the "To Dash/ Clean URL" button to generate the clean and SEO-friendly URLs in the "Output" field. You can copy, as well as download, the output.

FAQ 3: What characters are removed while creating the slugs?
Answer: The tool removes spaces between words, non-ASCII characters, and accented & diacritic characters from the input text to create clean URLs in the output textarea. It also replaces spaces and underscores with hyphens.

FAQ 4: Are there example texts/URLs I can use?
Answer: Yes, clicking the "Load an example" link will generate an example so that you can get ideas about what this tool does. It adds a mixture of different types of Titles and URLs for a better understanding of the tool.

FAQ 5: How many URLs can I generate using this tool?
Answer: There is no limit to it. However, extremely large volumes of text may require more time to process and download.

FAQ 6: Can I customize the URLs generated by the tool?
Answer: This tool aims to generate optimized URLs automatically. However, if you want to further customize it, do it in the "Output" textarea. After you are done customizing, copy or download the result.

FAQ 7: Why should I avoid special characters in my website's URLs?
Answer: Special characters, such as emojis, can make URLs harder to read and may not be universally supported by web systems. Using plain Latin characters and hyphens ensures compatibility and readability. So, yes, you should avoid using special non-ASCII characters and emojis from your website's URLs.

FAQ 8: Can I convert a mixture of Post Title, Text, and Full URLs using this tool?
Answer: Yes, our "Underscore to Hyphen URLs" tool is designed to handle a variety of content formats, including post or page titles, text, URL slugs, and full URLs. Whether you are converting just a post title or entire URLs, or a mixture of hundreds of them, our tool can seamlessly replace underscores with dashes to ensure consistency and readability in the generated URLs.


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