Online Text Sorting Tool

Sort any list of texts in any order, including alphabetical, random and natural order.

Sort Text / Order A List

Sort your list in Alphabetical, Natural, Character Length, Random, Shuffle, or Reverse order.
Sorting or Ordering a list online has never been easier.

Load an example

Ready to sort the list.


Welcome to our Sort Text/ Order A List tool. It sorts a list of texts based on your preferences and needs. This easy-to-use yet powerful online tool enables you to enter a list of text that you need to sort. Whether you have a list of numbers, names, area names, postcodes, country names or any type of data that you need to sort in the alphabetic or natural order, and/or shuffle, randomise, or reverse, this online tool is your perfect solution. It offers both ascending and descending-order sorting of your data.


Sorting options:

Alphabetical (A-Z & Z-A), Natural (A-Z & Z-A), Character Length (Low-High & High-Low), Random, Shuffle, & Reverse.

Tool Features:

Upload a file: This upload feature allows you to input text in the textarea from your local device. If you have a text file that contains data that you want to sort, use this option.

Input: A textarea to let you enter a list. The list could be virtually a list of anything.

Output: The sorted list is shown here as output.

Load an example: It creates a list in the input textarea. It creates a list of 14 countries, with three countries (India, Japan and Vietnam), appearing twice. The second time these countries appear, they begin with a small letter (e.g. india, japan & vietnam).

Sort the list button: It sorts the list from the "Input" textarea and shows the sorted list in the "Output" textarea. The sorting is done based on the sort type selected from the "Sort By" dropdown box.

Copy result button: The sorted list from the Output textarea is copied into the Clipboard so that you can paste it to a document, spreadsheet or anywhere you want to.

Clear the list button: It empties the Input and Output textarea so that you can enter your own list and sort it as per your need.

Download: Downloads a text file that contains the output. This is a helpful feature if you need to save the sorted list/text in your local drive.

Use this online list sorting tool to sort an unordered or raw list. You can order the list in alphabetical, natural or random order in ascending or descending order. Text and number, or a combination of both, could be sorted using this tool. You can also shuffle the list and sort your list based on the character length.

Sorting Method

Our text sorting tool offers several distinct methods to arrange text lines according to your needs:

Alphabetical Order:

This method uses the traditional approach of arranging text alphabetically. Each character is perfectly compared in sequence, and the string whose initial letter appears earlier in the alphabet (A-Z) is positioned first. This rule extends to numbers (0-9) as well.

For instance: If we sort A11, A20, A1, A2, A10 in Alphabetical (A-Z) order, the result would be:


Note: To arrange the list in the reverse Alphabetical order in which the string whose initial letter appears later in the alphabet (Z-A) is positioned first, use the Alphabetical (Z-A) sort. It is also called Descending Alphabetical Order.

Natural Order:

Natural sorting takes a more human-friendly stance on text arrangement while maintaining the essence of alphabetical sorting. It treats multi-digit numbers like "10," "11," and "12" as cohesive entities, ordering them based on numerical value. This approach is particularly useful for working with numbered lists.

For instance: If we sort A11, A20, A1, A2, A10 in Natural (A-Z) order, the result would be:


Note: To arrange the list in the reverse Natural order in which the string whose initial letter appears later in the alphabet (Z-A) is positioned first, use Natural (Z-A) sort. It is also called Descending Natural Order.

By Character Length:

If you wish to order a list based on the width or length of the text, this option is ideal. In the Character Length (Low-High) sort, strings with shorter character lengths are prioritized at the beginning of the list, while the longest ones find their place at the end. On the contrary, in the Character Length (High-Low) sort, strings with higher character lengths are prioritized at the beginning of the list, while the shortest ones find their place at the end.

For instance: If we sort Abd, a, ABC, Ab, aBCDE, Abcd in Character Length (Low-High) order, the result would be:


Note: To arrange the list in such an order in which the string with the highest character comes first and the lowest characters comes at the bottom, use the Character Length (High-Low) sort.

Random Order:

If you prefer a completely random arrangement, you can utilize the "Shuffle" or "Random" option. Both of these sorting methods randomize the list's order, providing an entirely unstructured arrangement.

Note: The Random order sorts the list in a completely random order while the Shuffle option shuffles the list of inputs.

Reverse Order:

The Reverse option alters the list items' order, presenting it in the opposite sequence.

Note: By default, texts are sorted in ascending order. However, if you want to sort a list in descending order (9-0 and Z-A), you can use the "Reverse" option after sorting Alphabetically(A-Z) or Naturally(A-Z). Also whenever, you have a list that you want to reverse, use the Reverse option.

When to Use this Tool?

Our robust online text sorting tool is useful in various scenarios where meticulous organization and arrangement of text data is required. Whether you're dealing with extensive lists, complex datasets, or simply aiming to streamline your content, this tool has you covered. It's especially handy when you need to:

1. Clean and Format Data: If you have messy or unstructured text data, this tool can swiftly organize it, making it more readable and accessible.

2. Sort Lists: Whether you're managing to-do lists, contact information, names, postcodes, phone numbers, or any other kind of list, our tool ensures your items are ordered exactly as you want. Using this online tool you can sort or order any data set or list of data that you have.

3. Prioritize Information: Need to emphasize specific content? Use the sorting options to bring crucial information to the forefront.

4. Optimize Workflows: Enhance efficiency by sorting text according to your workflow's requirements, from list sorting to project management tasks.

5. Arrange Numerical Data: When working with numbers, especially in datasets, our natural sorting method ensures numerical values are properly ordered.

6. Create Varied Content: Shuffle text lines randomly when generating randomized content, such as password lists, randomized questions, or test data.

7. Reverse A List: When you have a list of data that you need to reverse to better analyze it, the "Sort by: Reverse" feature is your solution.

In essence, this tool is your go-to solution for any task that demands precision and structure in text arrangement, saving you time and effort in the process.


FAQ 1: What is a text/list sorting tool, and why do I need it?
Answer: A text or list sorting tool is a software solution designed to arrange text data of a list in a specified order, making it easier to read and manage. You need it when you want to organize lists, datasets, or any text-based content efficiently. It saves you time and effort by automating the sorting process.

FAQ 2: Is this list sorting tool free for visitors to use?
Answer: Yes, this sorting tool is 100% free to use for all visitors.

FAQ 3: I do not want to type, or copy & paste any list or texts. Is there any way to still test the features of this tool?
Answer: Yes, simply click on the "Load an example" option, and it will add a sample text list containing the names of 14 countries in the Input text area. This way you can test/experiment with the different sorting options without typing anything or copying & pasting any text or list.

FAQ 4: How does the natural sorting method work, and when should I use it?
Answer: Natural sorting treats non-single-digit numbers as a single entity and orders them by their numerical value. It's perfect for numbered lists or datasets where you want numbers to be sorted logically, like "1, 2, 10" instead of "1, 10, 2."

FAQ 5: How can I sort text in descending order?
Answer: You can sort text in descending order (e.g., Z-A or 9-0) by using the "Reverse" option after sorting alphabetically or naturally. Alternatively, you can directly select "Z-A" for descending sorting.

FAQ 6: Can I randomize the order of text lines?
Answer: Absolutely! The tool offers a "Shuffle" option, which randomly rearranges the lines in your text. This feature is great for creating randomized content like password lists, randomized questions, or test data.


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