Binary to Octal Converter

Convert a binary number to an octal number with precision.

Binary to Octal Converter

Binary to Octal Converter converts a binary number into an octal number.
To convert binary to octal, click Convert to Octal, and to other number systems, click Convert to All.
For example, the binary number 1001111 converts to 117 in octal and so on.

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Ready to convert Binary to Octal.

Binary to Octal Converter:

Welcome to our Binary to Octal Converter, a versatile online tool designed to simplify the conversion of numbers from the binary numeral system to the octal system. Whether you're a student exploring number systems or a professional navigating the complexities of digital systems, this tool serves as an invaluable resource.

The binary numeral system, a cornerstone of the digital realm, employs just two symbols: 0 and 1, signifying "off" and "on", respectively. In contrast, the octal numeral system embraces eight unique values (0 to 7). Our online Binary to Octal Converter makes the conversion process quick and accurate, sparing you from manual calculations.

Embrace the power of Binary to Octal conversion with our efficient online tool. Whether you're venturing into the world of programming, digital design, or computer science, understanding binary and octal systems is essential. Our tool simplifies this process, providing a seamless way to convert binary numbers, both integer and fractional, into octal representation.

Experience the ease of conversion and the world of possibilities that open up when you have the right tools at your disposal. Use our Binary to Octal Converter for accurate and hassle-free conversions, helping you excel in your digital endeavors.

Understanding Binary & Octal Number Systems:

Binary Number System

The binary number system, or base 2, is the digital language of computers and networks. It employs just two symbols: 0 and 1, representing "off" and "on." Binary numbers are the essence of computing and electronic communication.

The binary number "1100011" can be understood as follows:

  1. The first digit (the rightmost digit or LSB) (1) is in the one's place, equivalent to (1 * 1 = 1)
  2. The second digit (1) is in the two's place, equivalent to (1 * 2 = 2)
  3. The third digit (0) is in the four's place, equivalent to (0 * 4 = 0)
  4. The fourth digit (0) is in the eight's place, equivalent to (0 * 8 = 0)
  5. The fifth digit (0) is in the sixteenth place, equivalent to (0 * 16 = 0)
  6. The sixth digit (1) is in the thirty-second place, equivalent to (1 * 32 = 32)
  7. The seventh digit (the leftmost digit or MSB) (1) is in the sixty-fourth place, resulting in (1 * 64 = 64)

Adding the results produces = 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 32 + 64 = 99 .

Therefore, the binary number (1100011)2 is equal to the decimal value of (99)10.

Now we will examine another binary number that has a fractional part. For instance, 10010.0101. The binary number "10010.0101" has two parts. One is the integer part (e.g. 10010), and another part is the fractional part (e.g. .0101)

The integer part (10010) of the binary number can be understood as follows:

  1. The first digit (the rightmost digit) (0) in the one's place (0 * 1 = 0)
  2. The second digit (1) in the two's place (1 * 2 = 2)
  3. The third digit (0) is in the four's place (0 * 4 = 0)
  4. The fourth digit (0) is in the eight's place, (0 * 8 = 0)
  5. The fifth digit (the leftmost digit) (1) is in the sixteenth's place, (1 * 16 = 16)

Thus, the integer part of the binary number 10010 is equivalent to decimal number 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 16 = 18.

Secondly, the fractional part (0101) of the binary number can be understood as follows:

  1. The first digit after the decimal (0) in the 2-1 or 1/2th place (0 * 2-1 = 0 * 1/2 = 0)
  2. The second digit after the decimal (1) in the 2-2 or 1/4th place (1 * 2-2 = 1 * 1/4 = .25)
  3. The third digit after the decimal (0) in the 2-3 or 1/8th place (0 * 2-3 = 0 * 1/8 = 0)
  4. The fourth digit after the decimal (1) in the 2-4 or 1/16th place (1 * 2-4 = 0 * 1/16 = .0625)

Thus, the fractional binary part .0101 is equivalent to decimal number 0 +.25 + 0 + .0625 = 0.3125.

Therefore, the binary number (10010.0101)2 is equivalent to the decimal value of (18.3125)10.

The binary system is the foundation of data encoding in the digital world, vital for computer science and technology.

Octal Number System

The octal number system, also known as base 8, utilizes eight unique digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Each place value represents a power of eight, making it an interesting system for certain applications.

Please note that the octal number system does not have the digits 8 or 9. So, in the octal number system, after 7 comes 10 (much like the way 10 comes after 9 in the decimal number system).

Octal numbers are commonly used in various fields and have specific importance in certain contexts including Computer Programming, File Permission Management, ASCII Character Codes, Microcontroller Programming and so on. Moreover, In Unix and Unix-like operating systems, file permissions are often represented in octal notation. Each digit in the octal representation corresponds to a different type of permission (read, write, and execute) for the owner, group, and others. For example, "755" represents read, write, and execute permissions for the owner and read and execute permissions for the group and others.

Let's examine an octal number, such as 3265 for a better understanding of this number system:

  1. The first digit (the rightmost digit or LSB) (5) is in the one's in (5 * 80 = 5 * 1 = 5)
  2. The second digit (6) is in the eight's place, resulting in (6 * 81 = 6 * 8 = 48)
  3. The third digit (2) is in the sixty-four's place, resulting in (2 * 82 = 2 * 64 = 128)
  4. The fourth digit (the leftmost digit or MSB) (3) is in the five hundred and twelfth place, resulting in (3 * 83 = 3 * 512 = 1536)

Thus, the octal number (3265)8 is equal to the decimal value of = 5 + 48 +128 + 1536 = (1717)10.

Octal numbers, like binary, can also have fractional parts. For example, 512.47, in which the integer part 512 translates to 330, and the fractional part .47 is 0.59375.

Let's examine this. The octal number "512.47" has two parts. The integer part (e.g. 512), and the fractional part (e.g. .47)

The integer part (512) of the octal number can be understood as follows:

  1. The first digit (the rightmost digit) (2) in the one's place (2 * 80 = 2 * 1 = 2)
  2. The second digit (1) in the eighth's place (1 * 81 = 1 * 8 = 8)
  3. The third digit (the leftmost digit) (5) is in the sixty-fourth place ( 5 * 82 = 5 * 64 = 320)

Thus, the integer part of the octal number 512 is equivalent to decimal number 2 + 8 + 320 = 330.

And, the fractional part (.47) of the octal number can be understood as follows:

  1. The first digit after the decimal (4) in the 8-1 or 1/8th place (4 * 8-1 = 4 * 1/8 = 0.5)
  2. The second digit after the decimal (7) in the 8-2 or 1/64th place (7 * 8-2 = 7 * 1/64 = 0.109375)

Thus, the fractional octal part .47 is equivalent to decimal number 0.5 + 0.109375 = 0.609375.

Therefore, the octal number (512.47)8 is equivalent to decimal value of (330.609375)10.

It's important to note that the octal system uses base 8, which is presented using radix or base 8, such as (3265)8. A decimal number like (1717)10 is typically not labelled with a base as decimal is the default number system that we use.

What This Tool Does:

Our Binary to Octal Converter is a versatile tool designed to streamline the process of converting binary numbers into their octal equivalents. It offers several key features to make numerical conversions more accessible and efficient.

Binary to Octal Conversion:
This tool simplifies the conversion of binary numbers to octal. You can easily convert a binary number by entering it into the provided input field and clicking the "Convert to Octal" button. The tool handles the conversion process automatically, providing you with the octal representation.

Conversion to Other Bases:
In addition to binary to octal conversion, our tool offers the flexibility to convert binary numbers to other numerical bases, such as decimal and hexadecimal. By clicking the "Convert to All" button, you can quickly obtain binary numbers' representations in multiple bases. This feature is invaluable when working with different numerical systems or programming.

Load an Example:
To assist users in understanding how the tool works and to provide sample conversions, our Binary to Octal Converter includes a "Load an Example" feature. With a simple click, you can load a pre-defined binary value, instantly see the conversion to octal, and even modify the example to experiment with different inputs.

Copy to Clipboard:
The tool provides a "Copy" option that allows you to copy the octal output to your clipboard with a single click. This feature is convenient for quickly transferring the results to other applications or documents.

Clear & Reset to Start Over:
If you need to perform multiple conversions or want to clear the input and results, our tool offers a "Reset" option. It enables you to start over without any hassle, ensuring a clean workspace for your next conversion.

Download Conversion Details::
For documentation or reference purposes, the tool allows you to download the conversion details as a text file by pressing the Download button. This file can serve as a record of your conversions, making it useful for students, programmers, or professionals who need to keep track of their work.

How to Manually Convert Binary to Octal?

At a Glance:

Converting binary to octal is a process that involves grouping binary digits into sets of three and then finding their octal equivalents.

We need to group the binary digits into a set of three digits because the octal number system is based on radix/base 8, and the binary number system is based on radix/base 2. Since 23 = 8, we make this set of three binary digits. Each group of three binary digits corresponds to a single octal digit. We group digits from right to left. After grouping in 3 digits, if just 1 or 2 binary digit(s) remains at the left, we add 0 or 00 on the left of the remaining digit(s) to make it a set of three. Then we convert each set of three binary digits to equivalent octals.

The binary to octal convertsion list: 000=0, 001=1, 010=2, 011=3, 100=4, 101=5, 110=6, 111=7.

Binary to Octal Conversion Table
Binary Number Octal Number
000 0
001 1
010 2
011 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7
Binary to Octal Conversion Example:
Binary to Octal Conversion Example
In Detail:

Here's how you can manually convert binary to octal:

Step 1: Separate the binary number into groups of three starting from the right. If there are not enough digits to form a group of three, add leading zeros.

Step 2: Find the octal equivalent of each group of three binary digits. Refer to the binary-to-octal conversion table/list or use the powers of 2 to calculate the octal value of each group.

The binary to octal convertsion list: 000=0, 001=1, 010=2, 011=3, 100=4, 101=5, 110=6, 111=7.

Step 3: Combine the octal values of all the groups to form the octal representation of the binary number.

Let's illustrate this with an example: converting the binary number 10110011 into its octal equivalent.

Let's group the binary digits in a set of three from right to left. It produces (10110011)2 = (010 110 011) in octal = (2 6 3) = (263)8.

Therefore, the octal equivalent of the binary number (10110011)2 = (263)8.

Now, we will illustrate another example of binary to octal conversion but this time the binary number has decimal point value. We will be converting the binary number 1111001011.1000101 into its octal equivalent.

First, we'll take the integer digits (digits before the decimal point(.)) and group them in a set of three from right to left. It produces (1111001011)2 = ( 001 111 001 011) in octal = (1 7 2 3) = (1713)8.

Now, we'll convert the decimal point digits (digits after the decimal point(.)) and group them in a set of three, but this time from left to right. If the rightmost remaining digit(s) do(es) not make a set of three binary digits, we will add 1 or 2 leading zeros. So, it produces (.1000101) = ( 100 010 100) in octal = (.4 2 4) = .424.

Combining the integer and the decimal point parts produces = 1713 + .424 = (1713.424)8

Therefore, the octal equivalent of the binary number (1111001011.1000101)2 = (1713.424)8.

A Few Examples:

Example 1: Converting the binary number 10011101 into its octal equivalent.

Let's group the binary digits into sets of three from right to left. It produces (10011101)2 = (010 011 101) in octal = (2 3 5) = (235)8.

Therefore, the octal equivalent of the binary number (10011101)2 = (235)8.

Example 2: Converting the binary number 1011101100 into its octal equivalent.

Grouping the binary digits into sets of three from right to left results in (1011101100)2 = (001 011 101 100) in octal = (1 3 5 4) = (1354)8.

Therefore, the octal equivalent of the binary number (1011101100)2 = (1354)8.

Example 3: Converting the binary number 1110101110.10010 into its octal equivalent.

First, let's take the integer digits (digits before the decimal point(.)) and group them in sets of three from right to left. It produces (1110101110)2 = (001 110 101 110) in octal = (1 6 5 6) = (1656)8.

Now, we'll convert the decimal point digits (digits after the decimal point(.)) and group them in sets of three, but this time from left to right. If the rightmost remaining digit(s) do(es) not make a set of three binary digits, we will add trailing zero(s). So, it produces (.10010) = (100 100) in octal = (.4 4) = (.44).

Combining the integer and the decimal point parts results in = 1656 + .44 = (1656.44)8

Therefore, the octal equivalent of the binary number (1110101110.10010)2 = (1656.44)8.

Alternative Approach: Convert Binary to Octal

While there are direct methods to convert binary to octal, an alternative approach involves an intermediate step through decimal conversion. In this method, binary numbers are first converted to their decimal equivalents, and then the decimal values are further converted to octal.

Step 1: Binary to Decimal Conversion

For binary to decimal conversion, follow the standard procedure of multiplying each binary digit by the corresponding power of 2 and summing the results.

For an integer binary number (without a decimal point) , multiply each binary digit (starting from right) by the corresponding power of 2 and sum the results. Please note that the power starts from 0 (e.g. 20) as 20 = 1.

For a fractional binary number (with a decimal point) , start by separating the number into integer and fractional parts. To convert the integer part to decimal, multiply each binary digit (starting from right) by the corresponding power of 2 and sum the results. For the fractional part, multiply each binary digit (starting from left) by the corresponding negative power of 2 and sum the results. Please note that the power starts from -1 (e.g. 2-1) as 2-1 = 1/2 or 0.5. Now add the integer result with the fractional result to get the final result.

Binary to Decimal Conversion Example
Step 2: Decimal to Octal Conversion

Once you have the decimal equivalent, you can proceed to convert it to octal. The decimal to octal conversion method involves dividing the decimal number by 8 and recording the remainder from each division. (from MSB to LSB) will form the octal representation of the decimal number.

Decimal to Octal Conversion Example
Let's illustrate this alternative approach with a binary number:

Example 1: Convert the binary number 101110 to octal.

Step 1: Binary to Decimal Conversion

Step 2: Decimal to Octal Conversion

So, the octal equivalent of decimal (46)10 = (56)8.

Therefore, we finally get that the octal equivalent of the binary number(101110)2 is (56)8.

Why Choose Our Binary to Octal Converter?

Our Binary to Octal Converter stands out as a versatile and efficient online tool, simplifying the conversion of binary numbers into octal. Here's why you should opt for our converter:

Streamlined Conversion:

Transform binary numbers into octal effortlessly with our intuitive online tool. No more grappling with intricate calculations; let our converter do the heavy lifting for you.

No Hassle, No Sign-Up:

We respect your time and privacy. That's why our converter doesn't demand any registrations or logins. Enjoy instant and hassle-free binary to octal conversions without any barriers or interruptions.

Swift Results:

Experience rapid conversions, thanks to our tool's efficient algorithm. Your octal results are just a click away, ensuring you save valuable time without compromising accuracy.

Dependable and Accurate:

Trust our Binary to Octal Converter to provide precise and consistent results. We've designed it to ensure that your binary numbers are accurately converted into octal format, every single time.

Cross-Device Compatibility:

Our online converter seamlessly adapts to various platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux. It's built to be accessible, regardless of the device or operating system you prefer.

Completely Free of Charge:

Enjoy all the benefits of our converter without spending a penny. We offer this tool with full functionality and without any hidden fees or subscription requirements. Convert your binary numbers to octal at no cost.

Handle Large Binary Values:

Our Binary to Octal Converter is well-equipped to tackle even the most extensive binary numbers with ease. Whether your binary value is simple or intricate, our tool is up to the challenge.


FAQ 1: Is this tool free to use?
Answer: Yes, this tool is totally free. This tool does not even require you to subscribe, register or log in.

FAQ 2: What is the main purpose of this tool?
Answer: This tool has been built to convert binary numbers into octal format quickly and with precision.

FAQ 3: Can I use a binary number with decimal point (110001.1011, for example) to convert to octal number system?
Answer: Yes, you can. This tool supports both integer and decimal point binary numbers.

FAQ 4: Do I need to register or sign up to use this tool?
Answer: No, you do not need to register or sign up to use this tool. It has been designed so that you can use it as soon as the page loads on your device without needing to register or sign in.

FAQ 5: What is the main advantage of using this tool?
Answer: This tool offers a fast and accurate way to convert binary numbers to octal, making it a convenient choice for a wide range of users.


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