The Settings offered by our Online Text Cleaning and Formatting tool are comprehensive and pretty intuitive. They are categorized for better understanding and ease of access. With these settings, you have full control over how you want to edit, format, clean and transform your text.
You can choose one of the three Select Options called "All", "None", and "Default". Selecting "All" will enable all the setting options while pressing "None" will de-select them all. Clicking on the "Default" option will select only the options that are by default tick-marked when the tool page loads.
Let's understand what these settings or configuration options do one by one.
Characters & Punctuations:
Customize the handling of Characters and Punctuation in your text with the following options:
Replace Letter Accents (diacritics): Enable this option to replace letter accents, also known as diacritics, with their non-accented counterparts for improved text clarity.
Examples of Accented Letters/ Diacritics: à, è, ì, ò, ú, ý Á, É, Ô, Û, æ, Ç, ß etc.
Remove Emojis: Selecting this option will remove emojis from your text, ensuring that only text characters remain.
Examples of Emojis: 👦🏻 👧 🐱 ❤️ 😇 🙉 🌏 etc.
Remove non-ASCII Characters: Enable this option to eliminate non-ASCII characters from your text, which can help ensure compatibility and readability.
Examples of non-ASCII Characters: ¥ « ¼ Ñ æ Ω π ∑ ≅ ♣ Ÿ € etc.
Remove non-alphanumeric: This option removes all characters from your text that are neither letters nor numbers, leaving only alphanumeric characters intact.
Examples of non-alphanumeric Letters: ∑ ( ) 👧 É $ @ + ! etc.
[Note: Since alphanumeric includes only letters A-Z, a-z and 0-9, all other characters are non-alphanumeric.]
Remove All Punctuations: Selecting this option will remove all punctuation marks from your text, streamlining its appearance.
Examples of Punctuations: . ? ! , : ; - — () “” / ... etc.
[Note: We treat Punctuations and Typographical Symbols differently.]
Remove Unnecessary Punctuations: Enable this option to remove unnecessary punctuation marks, such as double punctuation or excessive punctuation, from your text.
Examples of Unnecessary Punctuations: Our tool treats :-—(){}[]`and ... as unnecessary punctuation for formal text.
Remove Typographical Symbols: This option removes typographical symbols from your text, ensuring clean and consistent formatting.
Examples of Typographical Symbols: * & • # ~ \ @ ^ |
Remove Replacement characters: Select this option to remove any replacement characters from your text, ensuring that only valid characters remain.
Examples of Replacement characters: '�' and '❖?'
[Note: A replacement Character may have been inserted in your original text instead of an unknown, unrecognised, or unrepresentable character by a word processing software.]
Normalize Unicode: Enable this option to normalize Unicode characters in your text, ensuring consistent representation and compatibility across different systems.
Example of Unicode Normalization: It performs "NFC" normalization on characters like é í ś á fi etc.
[Note: Normalization doesn't necessarily change the characters themselves, but rather ensures a consistent way of representing them.]
Remove unwanted spaces, convert spaces to tabs, discard empty lines and line breaks and so many other similar operations on your text with the following options:
Remove Leading Spaces: Enabling this option removes any leading spaces at the beginning of each line or paragraph of text, ensuring a clean and consistent appearance.
Remove Trailing Spaces: This option eliminates any trailing spaces at the end of each line or paragraph of text, helping to tidy up your content.
Trim: Checkmarking this option trims or removes leading and trailing spaces from each line of text, ensuring that your text is neat and concise.
Remove Unnecessary Spaces: This option removes any extra spaces between words, helping to improve the readability of your text.
Replace Spaces with 1 Tab: If enabled, it replaces a specified number of consecutive spaces (that you enter) with a single tab character. This is highly useful for text alignment or formatting.
Replace Tab with Spaces: This option replaces tab characters with a specified number of consecutive spaces (based on your input), enabling you to adjust text layout as needed.
Replace Space with Space: With this option enabled, you can replace a specified number of consecutive spaces with another specified number of spaces. It offers flexibility in text formatting.
Remove Blank/Empty Lines: Enabling this checkbox removes any blank or empty lines from your text, streamlining its appearance.
Multiple Blank Lines to 1: This option condenses multiple consecutive blank lines into a single blank line, enhancing text readability.
Remove Line Breaks: Clicking this checkbox removes line breaks from your text, allowing for seamless text flow without unnecessary breaks between sentences and paragraphs.
Customize the handling of HTML elements, tags and entities in your text with the following options:
Unscape HTML Tags: Enable this option to unescape HTML tags, converting escaped characters back to their original form.
Example: HTML escaped tags < > & © ¥ will be converted to < > & © ¥.
Remove All HTM Tags: Selecting this option will remove all HTML tags from your text, leaving only the text content. It is essential for extracting text from an HTML document.
Example: <p> This is a paragraph. </p> will be changed to This is a paragraph.
Remove Anchor <a> Tags: Enable this option to remove all anchor tags (<a>) and their content from your text.
Example: <a class="navigation-link" href="sitemap.html"> Sitemap </a > will be changed to Sitemap.
Remove All Inline Styles: Enabling this option will remove all inline styles from HTML elements in your text, ensuring consistent formatting.
Example: <p id="secondParagraph" class="text-format" style="text-align:center; font-size:1.5rem"> This is a paragraph </p> will be changed to <p id="secondParagraph" class="text-format"> This is a paragraph </p>
Remove All Classes: Enable this option to remove all CSS classes and their values from HTML elements in your text.
Example: <p id="thirdPara" class="para-format" style="text-align:center; font-size:1.25rem"> This is also a paragraph </p> will be changed to <p id="thirdPara" class="para-format"> This is also a paragraph </p>
Remove All IDs: If this checkbox is enabled, it will remove all IDs and their values from HTML elements in your text.
Example: <textarea id="textInput" class="textarea" rows="5" cols="60"> will be changed to <textarea class="textarea" rows="5" cols="60">
Decode HTML Character Entities: Select this option to decode HTML character entities, converting encoded characters back to their original form.
Example: ® € ½ é © will be changed to ® € ½ é ©
Decode URL-encoded Characters: Enable this option to decode URL-encoded characters in your text, converting percent-encoded characters back to their original form. In simpler words, when you have an encoded URL or web address, you can enable this option to decode it.
Example: will be converted to
Text Case:
Decide what text case you want to use for the text you generate with the following options:
Do not change: This radio option keeps your text case intact, meaning it does not change the text case.
Example: This IS a SamplE TexT will remain the same, which is: This IS a SamplE TexT.
UPPERCASE: Selecting this option will transform all your text to Upper text case.
Example: This IS a SamplE TexT will be changed to THIS IS A SAMPLE TEXT.
lowercase: If you select this option, it will transform all your text to small text case.
Example: This IS a SamplE TexT will be changed to this is a sample text.
Sentence Case: If this option is selected, it will convert all your text to Sentence case in which only the first letter and the proper nouns are capitalized and the rest of the characters are changed to lowercase.
Example: This IS a SamplE TexT will be converted to This is a sample text.
Capitalized Case: If this radio button is selected, all your text will be transformed to Capitalized text in which the first letter of each word in your sentences will be capitalized.
Example: This IS a SamplE TexT will be converted to This Is A Sample Text.
Control how you want to use Quotation marks in your text with the following three options:
Remove Quotes: Enable this option to remove quotation marks from your text. This feature essentially removes almost all kinds of quotes including "'“ ”‘ ’„ ” ❛ ❜ ❝ ❞「」『』and〝 〞
Example: The famous novel, "A Tale of Two Cities," opens with the iconic line, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." will be converted to The famous novel, A Tale of Two Cities, opens with the iconic line, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
Smart Quotes to Regular: Enabling this option will convert “Smart Quotation Marks” to "Regular Quotation Marks".
Example: Sarah whispered, “This has to be the café Emily mentioned in her blog post, ‘Must-Try Coffee Shops in London’?” will be converted to Sarah whispered, "This has to be the café Emily mentioned in her blog post, 'Must-Try Coffee Shops in London'?"
Regular Quotes to Smart: Enabling this option will convert "Regular Quotation Marks" to “Smart Quotation Marks”.
Example: "They say 'good things come to those who wait,' " he mused, "philosophically!" will be converted to “They say ‘good things come to those who wait,’ ” he mused, “philosophically!”
Remove email addresses from your text.
Remove Emails: If it is selected, this tool removes all the email addresses that are present in your text.
Remove duplicate words and lines from your text with the following two options:
Remove Repeating Words: This option removes consecuitively repeating words from your text, keeping only the first of them. This makes your text grammatically accurate and clean.
Example: "This tool essentially clean CleaN Clean your text" will be converted to "This tool essentially clean your text"
Remove Duplicate Lines: If it is selected, this tool removes duplicate lines (the same line of text appearing more than once in your text). This essentially helps to tidy up your content and make it professional and presentable.