Convert Text or Titles into URL Slugs

Enter text, blog/post title, or underscored titles and get SEO-friendly URL Slugs.

Convert Text/Title, Underscored Titles into SEO Slugs

This tool changes accented characters with corresponding Latin characters.
The output is SEO-friendly URLs. For example, "A Párt^ óf URL" becomes "a-part-of-url"
You can also convert underscored titles (example: /learn_css_in_a_month) into dashed titles (example: /learn-css-in-a-month).

Load an example

Word Separator:

Ready to slugify your text.

Powerful URL Slugify Tool:

Welcome to our "Slugify URL" tool. This powerful utility/online tool is designed to help you transform text/ blog posts/ webpage titles or underscored slugs into SEO-friendly clean URL slugs with ease. Whether you're looking to create clean and optimized web links (for instance, convert underscores(_) to dashes(-) in your URLs) or need to convert text for online purposes, our Slugify URL tool is at your service. With this tool, you can convert a single post title or hundreds of post titles into SEO-friendly URL slug(s) with just a single click of a button. It makes bulk URL conversion easier than ever. If all your URLs are in underscore form(_), and you want them to be in dashed(-) form, this tool is your best solution.

By simply typing or copy & pasting your text/ post title in the "Input" field, or alternatively, uploading a file, and then clicking the "To URL Slug/ SEO URL" button, you can quickly generate Search Engine-friendly URLs for your website or blog. This tool replaces spaces with hyphens or dash(-) (you can also use underscore which is not recommended), eliminates non-ASCII characters, and converts accented and diacritic characters into their plain English equivalents. It also replaces common characters into their word forms to make the URL more readable and SEO-friendly. The result is clean, readable, and optimized URLs ready for use in web content, blog posts, and more.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for enhancing your website's visibility and ranking in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! Using well-structured and clean URLs is a fundamental part of SEO, and our Slugify URL tool simplifies this process, ensuring your links are in compliance with SEO best practices. Enjoy the convenience of creating SEO-friendly URLs, and enhance your web content's performance today.

Use this online tool to change underscored URL slugs into SEO-friendly dash/hyphen URL slugs. For example, if you enter /learn_css_in_a_month in the Input textarea, the tool will produce /learn-css-in-a-month in the Output textarea. You can convert multiple underscored(_) URL slugs into their dashed(-) versions instantly by pressing a single button.

What is a URL Slug?

A URL slug is also known as simply "slug", and it is part of a "Website URL" ("perma-link" or "clean URL"). URL slug is the portion of a web address that identifies a specific page or resource on a website.

For example, is the full URL and sentence-case-vs-title-case is the slug.

Slug plays a significant role in website optimization and user experience. A well-crafted URL slug is human-readable, concise, and reflects the content of the page, making it both user-friendly and SEO-friendly. The use of hyphens to separate words in URL slugs is a common practice to improve readability and search engine ranking. Though underscore(_) is also used, we recommend using dash or hyphen(-) to separate words in a URL slug. Clean and structured URL slugs contribute to better search engine results and help users understand the content they will find on a webpage, ultimately enhancing the overall accessibility of your website.

Importance of URL Slugs

1. Improved Readability: URL slugs make web addresses more human-readable and user-friendly, enhancing the overall user experience.
2. Enhanced SEO: Well-structured URL slugs contribute to better search engine rankings, increasing the visibility of your web pages in search results.
3. Content Relevance: URL slugs provide a concise summary of a web page's content, helping users understand what to expect when clicking on the link.
4. Accessibility: Clean and organized URL slugs are more accessible, making it easier for users to share links and remember web addresses.
5. Consistency: Uniform URL slugs across your website create a professional and coherent online presence, reinforcing your brand image.

What This Tool Does:

The "Slugify URL" tool empowers you to create SEO-friendly URL slugs effortlessly. It simplifies the process of transforming regular text/ page or post titles into web-ready URLs. Whether you're optimizing web links, creating blog post URLs, or preparing content for online sharing, this tool is your go-to solution. This tool can convert a single line (as well as hundreds of lines) of text or post title(s) to meaningful and SEO-friendly URL slugs in no time. Whether you need to convert just a single post title or hundreds of post titles, this tool can achieve both for you.

By inputting your text into the "Input" field and clicking the "To URL Slug/ SEO URL" button, you can ensure your URLs are readable, consistent, and optimized. This tool replaces spaces with hyphens (or underscore if you prefer), removes non-ASCII characters, and converts accented and diacritic characters into their plain English counterparts. It also converts some characters like the dollar sign into more readable words like "dollar".

This tool allows you to control how you want to create your URL slugs. For instance, if you want to remove numbers from your URL slugs, you can check marks the "Remove Number" option. Similarly, you can decide to keep or remove some allowed special characters like '!', ':', '+', '.' and so on. It then normalizes and replaces diacritics (for instance à, ü, å, ē etc) from the URL slugs and converts accented and diacritic characters into their plain English counterparts. It also replaces some special characters into their equivalent text forms. For instance, the '$' sign' will be converted to the word 'dollar'. This is an excellent way to make your URL more meaningful, human-readable and SEO-friendly. Moreover, it replaces spaces with hyphens (or underscore if you prefer), and removes non-ASCII characters.

You can also use this tool to change underscored URL slugs into SEO-friendly dash/hyphen URL slugs. For example, if you enter /learn_graphics_design_in_a_month in the Input textarea, the tool will produce /learn-graphics-design-in-a-month in the Output textarea. You can convert several underscored(_) URL slugs into their dashed(-) versions with a single click of a button.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, relies on well-structured URLs to improve your website's search engine rankings. The Slugify URL tool helps you achieve this by generating clean and compliant web addresses, ensuring your web content performs optimally.

How to Use This Tool?

Using the "Slugify URL" tool is a straightforward process. Here's how you can make the most of it:

1. Load an example: This option will add some lines of text (post titles that need conversion to clean URL slugs) in the Input text area so that you do not have to wonder what to type in or upload.
2. Upload File: With the "Upload File" option, you can upload a file as input in the "Input" text area.
3. Input Text: Begin by entering your text into the "Input" text area. You can enter a single line of text or hundreds of lines of text. You can also utilize the "Load an example" link to load sample text.
4. Convert to URL Slug: Click the "To URL Slug" button to initiate the transformation of your text into an SEO-friendly URL slug. The tool will replace spaces with hyphens, remove non-ASCII characters, and convert accented and diacritic characters into their standard English equivalents, preserving line breaks and so on based on your settings and preferences.
5. View Output: The resulting SEO-friendly URL slug will appear in the "Output" text area. You can easily copy this optimized URL slug to your clipboard for use in web content, links, and more.
6. Download Output: For added convenience, you can download the optimized URL slug as a text file (.txt) by clicking the Download button.
7. Clear Everything: To start anew, click the "Clear Everything" button. This will clear both the input and output areas, allowing you to begin a fresh transformation.

Understand the Settings

While converting text or titles into SEO-friendly URL slugs from our tool, you have several configuration options. Understanding these configuration options or settings will help you create better URL slugs for your website or blog. Here, we will list those configuration options and their functionality in detail.

1. Word Separator: This option determines how the words in your URL slugs are separated. Two possible values are dash/hyphen(-) and underscore(_). The default selection is dash/hyphen(-). It will create a URL slug which looks like this: /how-to-manage-your-finance

Another selection is underscore(_) which converts to a URL slug that looks like this: how_to_manage_your_finance

You can also use this tool to change underscored URL slugs into SEO-friendly dash/hyphen URL slugs. For example, if you enter top_ten_destinations_in_dubai in the Input textarea, the tool will produce /top-ten-destinations-in-dubai in the Output textarea.

Tips: Use dash/hyphen(-) for your website or blog URLs.

2. Convert to Lowercase: This checkbox is by default selected. When it is selected, the tool will generate URL slugs that are in lowercase letters. If you uncheck this option, the output (produced URL slugs) will be in the same letter case that you inputted in the Input text area. For example, if your blog title is "DIY tips for rooftop gardening" and you select the "Convert to Lowercase" checkbox, the output will be "diy-tips-for-rooftop-gardening". If you untick this option, the output will be "DIY-Tips-for-rooftop-Gardening".

Tips: Use lowercase letters for your website or blog URLs.

3. Remove Special Characters and Emojis: This checkbox is by default selected. When it is selected, the tool will remove special characters and emojis that should not be part of a URL. If you uncheck this option, the output (produced URL slugs) will contain some special characters including '!', '@', '*', '(', ')', '+', ':', and '.' . For example, if your website title is "Example: 🎯How to Make *Perfect* Pizza!-🍕" and you select the "Remove Special Characters and Emojis" checkbox, the output will be "example-how-to-make-perfect-pizza". If you untick this option, the output will be "example:-how-to-make-*perfect*-pizza!".

Tips: Remove Special characters and Emojis from your website or blog URLs.

4. Remove Stop Words (English Only): By default, this option is Unticked (NOT selected). When it is selected, the tool will remove some Stop Words from the URL slugs. Stop words are words that are sometimes deemed unnecessary for the URL. They are also removed from URLs to shorten them. For example, if your webpage title is "The Best Places in Asia that I have Visited and would Recommend" and you tickmark the "Remove Stop Words (English Only)" checkbox, the output will be "best-places-asia-that-i-have-visited-would-recommend". If you untick this option, the output will be "the-best-places-in-asia-that-i-have-visited-and-would-recommend".

Tips: Search engines, these days, have become much more sophisticated with the help of AI, and removing all of the Stop Words is not recommended. Our advice is to keep them if the URL does not become too lengthy. Also, do not remove them if the resulting URL slugs compromise readability.

Out tool treats the following words as stop words:
"a", "an", "and", "as", "at", "but", "by", "for", "from", "in", "nor", "of", "on", "or", "so", "the", "to", "with".

5. Remove Numbers: By default, this option is Unticked (NOT selected). When it is selected, the tool will remove any numbers from the output (URL slugs). For example, if your webpage title is "10 Best Places to Visit in Europe in the year 2025" and you tickmark the "Remove Numbers" checkbox, the output will be "best-places-to-visit-in-europe-in-the-year". If you untick this option, the output will be "10-best-places-to-visit-in-europe-in-the-year-2025".

Tips: Remove numbers like the number of tips, and years from your URLs if they are not absolutely necessary.

Also, our tool replaces some special characters like ($, €, % and so on) into their word form to make the URL slugs more SEO-friendly and human-readable. The special characters that our tool will convert to their word forms include: $: dollar, €: euro, £: pound, ¥: yen, ₹: rupee, &: and, %: percent, <: less than, >: greater than and so on

When to Use This Tool?

"Slugify URL" tool is a valuable asset for transforming text into SEO-friendly URL slugs. It finds applications in various scenarios, making it an essential tool for:

1. Web Developers/ Webmasters: Web developers/ Webmasters can use this tool to generate clean and SEO-optimized URL slugs for websites and online content. Creating user-friendly links enhances the overall user experience and improves search engine ranking.

2. Content Creators/ Bloggers/ Writers: Content creators, including bloggers and writers, benefit from this tool when they need to convert article titles, headlines, or content snippets into SEO-friendly URLs. A well-structured URL slug can attract more readers and improve discoverability.

3. Data Analysts: Data analysts can employ the Slugify URL tool when working with text data, ensuring that the information is organized and presented in a standardized format for analysis and reporting.

4. Anyone Requiring Clean URLs: This tool is handy for anyone who needs clean, readable, and well-optimized URLs. Whether you're managing a website, writing an email, or sharing links on social media, SEO-friendly URLs are essential for a professional and polished appearance.

Enhance your online presence, improve search engine optimization, and create user-friendly links with our Slugify URL tool. Streamline the process of converting text into clean and SEO-optimized URL slugs, saving time and effort in the process.

URL Slug Best Practices

Creating effective URL slugs is essential for enhancing user experience, search engine optimization, and overall website readability. Let's explore some best practices and tips to craft exceptional URL slugs:

1. Maintain Consistency:

Consistency in URL slugs is essential for user experience and SEO. Stick to a standardized format for slugs, which makes it easier for both users and search engines to understand your content's structure. Avoid frequent changes to URL structures as it can impact your site's search rankings.

For example:
Good URL slug:/learn-html
Bad URL slug: /you_can_learn-HTML-in7-days/

2. Be Descriptive

URL slugs serve the primary purpose of making URLs user-friendly. Therefore, they should vividly describe the content of a page. Incorporating your target keyword is an effective strategy since it explains your page's content concisely and accurately.

For example:
Good URL slug:/learn-css
Bad URL slug: /book124cssA325CH

3. Make It Concise and Easy to Read

An ideal URL slug should be short and easily readable. Lengthy URLs are more challenging to comprehend and remember. So, aim for slugs with fewer than six words to optimize readability and recall.

Additionally, overly long URLs may get truncated in search engine results, impacting the appearance of your page snippet.

For example:
Good URL slug:/learn-css-in-30-days
Bad URL slug: /you-can-learn-css-in-30-days-now

4. Separate Words

The way you separate words within a URL slug greatly influences its readability. Word separation aids users in grasping the URL's meaning more quickly.

For example:

For example:
Good URL slug:/learn-css-for-beginners
Bad URL slug: /learncssforbeginners

5. Use Hyphens, Not Underscores

The best practice involves using hyphens to separate words in URLs. Search engines may not accurately interpret other separators like underscores.

Some search engines may ignore underscores(_) and treat multiple words as a single word.

For example:
Good URL slug:/learn-useful-tips
Bad URL slug: /learn_useful_tips

6. Use Lowercase Characters

Since URLs can sometimes be treated as case-sensitive, it's advisable to stick to lowercase characters to prevent potential issues and make manual URL entry more straightforward.

For example:
Good URL slug:/css-examples
Bad URL slug: /CSS-Examples

7. Avoid Special Characters

Google Search Central suggests avoiding non-ASCII characters, such as special characters from certain languages or emojis, within URL slugs.

For example:
Good URL slug:/how-to-use-emoji
Bad URL slug: /🎯😍how-to-use😊🍕

8. Use Canonical URLs

When dealing with content that could have multiple URLs (e.g., products with different categories), choose a canonical URL structure that represents the primary version. In this way, you can avoid duplicate content issues and ensure search engines index the correct page.

For example:
Good URL slug:/apple-iphone
Bad URL slug: /iphone-by-apple

9. Make It Future-Proof

It's the best idea to avoid numbers in URL slugs that are likely to change in the future, such as tips, ideas, or the publication year.

For example:
Good URL slug:/home-exercise-tips
Bad URL slug: /home-exercise-tips-for-2023


FAQ 1: Why are SEO-friendly URL slugs important?
Answer: SEO-friendly URL slugs enhance your website's search engine visibility. They provide clarity to both users and search engines about the content of a page, positively impacting search rankings and user experience.

FAQ 2: How do I use this tool?
Answer: Simply paste or type your text into the "Input" field, and then click the "To URL Slugs/ SEO URL" button to generate the clean and SEO-friendly URLs in the "Output" field. You can copy as well as download the output.

FAQ 3: What characters are removed while creating the slugs?
Answer: The tool removes spaces between words, non-ASCII characters, and accented & diacritic characters from the input text to create clean URL slugs in the output textarea. It also replaces spaces with hyphens (or underscore based on your choice).

FAQ 4: Are there example texts I can use?
Answer: Yes, clicking the "Load an example" link will generate an example so that you can get ideas about what this tool does.

FAQ 5: Can I customize the URL slugs generated by the tool?
Answer: The Slugify URL tool aims to create optimized slugs automatically. However, if you want to further customize it, do it in the "Output" text area. After you are done customizing, copy or download the result.

FAQ 6: How many URLs can I generate using this tool?
Answer: There is no specific limit to it. However, extremely large volumes of text may require more time to process and download.

FAQ 7: Why should I avoid special characters in URL slugs?
Answer: Special characters, such as emojis, can make URL slugs harder to read and may not be universally supported by web systems. Using plain Latin characters and hyphens ensures compatibility and readability.


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